Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Field House Too Small?


Approximately 18 months ago, a reader wrote this about the new field house at Brooks High School in Killen:

Now that the new edifice is in service, what are parents saying? The reviews aren't exactly raves.

According to some, the field house doesn't have enough showers for all the football players. There's a (gasp!) wait time. Is this highly unusual? We don't know.

We do know that those parents who are, or at least were, members of the booster club are sitting back in disgust over various issues. Nothing like football to bring out the vitriol? 

Do you have an issue with the Brooks football program? All replies are anonymous.

Friday, July 30, 2021

When Preachers Commit Rape - Part II


You Can Clap For The Wolfman, But Never Shout For The Rapist!

This is Micahn Taune Carter, the 43 year-old one-time darling of a Washington State mega church and until this week a fixture at Church of the Highlands. He's also accused of being a violent rapist who sought out a vulnerable employee and told her the rape was her fault because she was a sex magnet. You might want to catch his YouTube talk about purity and boundaries; it's a hoot!

This is 40 year-old April Lonna Williams Carter. She's Micahn's long-time wife, senior "pastor" (keeper?), and alleged enabler in Micahn's shenanigans. 

Together these two told enough people what they wanted to hear to grow a mega church that they used to promote themselves until the rape allegations emerged two years ago. Other "senior pastors" at the church then shipped the Carters off to Birmingham to be "restored" and proceeded to cover up as much as possible. Then it hit the fan last week and the COTH promptly kicked Michan under the bus where he belonged.

After several months of Micahn working in administration at the Birmingham church, he was presented to the public to again preach. His introduction is interesting to say the least. If you're not familiar with the COTH, some would call it charismatic. An older term that we're sure has fallen out of favor in woke circles is holy roller. And, yes, they have a franchise in the Shoals that dabbles in sex offender ministries.

When COTH head Chris Hodges introduced Micahn to his first Birmingham audience in July 2020, he told those assembled to offer up amens and shouts. Shouts? Really?

What kind of shouts? Maydays? Rebel Yells? Hallelujer, Lorts? Ah, the gospel according to Chris Hodges, but not deemed appropriate for a worship service. 

Now we wonder why more from the Carters' Yakima, Washington, congregation didn't shout out to the people of Birmingham what Michan was capable of? We're pretty sure he'll find sex magnets wherever he goes next.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

When Preachers Commit Rape - Part I


How Many In The Audience Could Tell Us Why This Rock Band Worship Is Pleasing To God?

Slightly over two months ago, we published the following in Shoals Crime:

The Pulpit Abusers

Now an interesting rape accusation has been made within the Church of the Highlands. Some are suggesting there's been a massive cover-up. That's not unusual, nor is it new. Let's consider a decades old tale from Phil Campbell.

The condensed version: A father hears his innocent 14 year-old daughter scream, picks up a shotgun, runs to her room to find a dark figure pinning her down, and shoots. Enter the paramedics, and off all of them go to the local hospital where it's discovered that the would-be rapist is the pulpit minister of the church the family attends. Don't remember this? It's not surprising. There were no charges brought. Keep it hush, hush for both the congregation and the minister's family and all that.

Teaching isn't the only profession where the trash is passed. It's never the correct thing to do, and those who do it should be held accountable. What did the Birmingham Church of the Highlands know about the alleged Washington State rape of a church employee? Exactly why did the church think this preacher needed to be restored? We doubt anyone thought he'd been merely a chronic speeder. How many employees in the Birmingham church were placed in danger by giving this man a job, first in administration, then as a teacher/preacher?

Just because one forgives does not mean prudence should be thrown out the stained glass window.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What is the Difference between Dr. Williams and Dr. Satchel?


The following is a short guest blog. The author also created the above graphic:

Does Project Say Something plan to protest Gary Dan Williams being transitioned from Allen Thornton Technical Center to alternative school? What is the difference between Dr. Williams and Dr. Satchel?

Many local Democrats do not wish for PSS to represent them. After all, let us not forget the goal that was written in their manifesto is to "challenge a white supremacist / Christian centered viewpoint." So they believe the two to be synonymous?


Our take? Both Lauderdale and Colbert Counties deserve better educators than they have now. The citizens deserve accountability.

A person who teaches at a college level may profess his/her beliefs; an educator in lower forms should not do so without a great many caveats. Reading the article our guest blogger supplied (yes, we had read before), we have to ask: Does everyone know the meaning of

Agent Provocateur?


As for a call to action, these two lines from classic movies say it all:

I'm no damn Yankee; I'm from Ardmore, Oklahoma - Arlen Dean Snyder in Yanks

What say you? James Robertson Justice in A Pair of Briefs

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Chris (Back)Hand(s) a Mean Compliment


Lauderdale County's Gary Dan Williams says transferring staff to an alternative school is a big demotion. If true, Gale Satchel is right that new Colbert school superintendent Chris Hand wants to demote her.

What does Hand say? "It strictly has to do with having her working for the board in a position where she is qualified, where she does hold the background knowledge and the skills..."

Did everyone catch that? Hand thinks Mrs. Satchel has been working 17 years as federal programs coordinator, but is unqualified? Now he wants to send her off to the hell that's alternative school?

One of our favorite readers says the Alabama education system is the most corrupt in the nation. We believe it.

Monday, July 26, 2021

What a Drug Addict Looks Like


We're sure statistics vary from site to site, from source to source, but generally speaking, 1 in 5 addicts never recover. These individuals sink deeper and deeper into their drug use and the nefarious pursuits that enable them to support their habits. 

While we sympathize with their plight, we sympathize more with their victims. We have three readers who have contacted us over the years to solicit our help in obtaining some kind of justice regarding 36 year-old Brady Ann Irons. Unfortunately, the justice system itself seems to be working to keep Irons in the free world where she can defraud others.

Irons recently had arrests in Lauderdale/Florence in May, June, and July. Her last arrest was a drug trafficking charge, so she may now see some actual prison time. Yet, it's another arrest that is interesting at so many levels.

On or around July 5th, a fugitive recovery agent came looking for Irons. It seems she never returned to Autauga County to face theft charges from February 2020. According to the bounty hunter, when Irons realized that she was being arrested, she downed a handful of pills. 

Brady Ann Irons is pictured above in the bounty hunter's vehicle - handcuffed and passed out on her way south. It's not a good look for anyone. Do we think she can kick her habit if she's incarcerated for a long time? That we don't know, but we do know that this catch and release system isn't helping her to regain any quality of life.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Benny Hinn & Tucker Carlson


Benny Hinn is a televangelist/con man with an amassed fortune of 60 million dollars:

Hinn tells his followers that they don't need physicians or prescribed drugs; they need his healing powers. He "cures" cancer, among other things.

How many have died because of Benny Hinn? 

The kindest thing you can say about Hinn is that he's a consummate showman who's exceptionally good at maintaining his image. What Hinn deserves for his charade is too vile to put into words here.

Tucker Carlson is a cable news reader/con man with an amassed fortune of 30 million dollars:

Carlson tells his followers that they don't need a vaccine or a mask; they need to take his advice, which is now on a swing to the right. When the political climate or his job changes again, so will his beliefs.

How many have died or will die because of Tucker Carlson? 

The kindest thing you can say about Carlson is that he was honest enough to let his attorneys admit no one should ever take him seriously. What Carlson deserves for this charade of honest pontificating is similarly too vile to put into the words of this blog.

Benny Hinn and Tucker Carlson...two bottom feeders whose only positive value is to the makers of emesis basins.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Sheffield? You Can't Get There from Here


Satellite View of Inspiration Landing

Our regular blogger J. Redmon has stated that even though he lives in Sheffield, he has no idea where Inspiration Landing's Slag Yard is located. (Look to the far right of the above photo.) Now just imagine if you're not from the Shoals and the sun's rays are fast fading. Could you find the new music venue without some great signage? 

Anyone spotted any signs? How about arriving from the south where some of the railroad tracks are closed? Think a GPS system is going to help that much there?

How about those arriving from I-65 via Florence. Has anyone consulted Lauderdale County or Florence about signs to point the way across O'Neal Bridge? Better yet, how about the actual address?

Mapquest anyone?

All advertising lists the venue at 91 Furnace Hill Drive, a narrow road which eventually dead ends. What happens if you ask the general public in Sheffield where Furnace Hill Drive is located? No, according to all current maps, the name of the street is Treatment Plant Road...which does lead into Furnace Road and then stops at a wooded area. We're pretty sure most citizens have no concrete idea where these two roads are either. 

It's now just over three weeks until the first concert. There are no signs, no stage, no seating, and a venue manager who reportedly resides in Tupelo, Mississippi. Let's not forget the venue name is synonymous with the word "slut." Does this sound promising to anyone?

Friday, July 23, 2021

A Shoals Dignitary Tours "The Slag at Furnace Hill"


We gave up most hope of a thriving Inspiration Landing a long time ago. Yet we had hoped the music venue, located fairly close to the main entrance, would be a success and an asset to the community. In 27/28 days, the first and second concerts are scheduled for "The Slag." 

This week a Shoals dignitary toured the still under construction venue. The former official came away bemused by the lack of work at the site. Here's a humorous take on the endeavor:

Here are some quotes from the dignitary's review:

Beautiful roads and curbs that end in dead ends and some drop off in woods.

Funny. Seriously, every road dead ends. You should take a tour for yourself.

I promise you, there is no room for any one to set up stage and the like for a concert. There is one parking lot that is isolated that may have 75 spaces.

Just the last quote gives room for quite a pause. VIP tickets for 300 (not counting general admission) and only 75 parking places? 

And the Marshall Tucker concert? We know several, all over 40 (they may even be over 50 if they consulted their watches) who have said they would love to go, but won't tolerate what they perceive as the conditions of the venue. Pass the meloxicam.

If you've had your own tour, please send us a review...

Thursday, July 22, 2021

He Keeps the Air around his Office Blue


He curses all the time...

He stomps his feet...

He leaves in a huff if things don't go his way...

He won't listen to advice...

He alienates anyone who tries to help...

He seeks revenge...

He curses all the time...


If he were your employee, what would you do? Fire him? Suggest medical help? Hint that it's time for retirement? 

What if he's your boss? Hide in the restroom? Hope his family intervenes? Just laugh at him when his back is turned and hope for a miracle?

Or shall we all just wait for a lawsuit?

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Lauderdale County High Disappoints in Graduation Rates


Guessing is never easy. Who had the worst graduation rates in Lauderdale County? We won't tell you our guess, but we weren't close. Who had the best? We would have guessed Lauderdale County High considering the comments we receive about the school.

But, no. Lauderdale County High School had the worst graduation rates for 2020. Here's the stats:

Lauderdale County High School, 91%

Waterloo, 93%

Wilson, 93%

Rogers, 94%

Brooks, 95%

Central, 95%

Lexington, 99%

Obviously, many factors come into play in these figures. Lauderdale County High is a stone's throw from Limestone County. How many students do they swap out each year? More remote schools like Lexington and Waterloo wouldn't have that same problem.

Speaking of Lexington, Congrats! You did it even with adversity and are to be commended.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Rep. Danny Crawford: Incompetent, Devious, & Cupiditous - Part I


Danny Crawford represents the Athens/Limestone area in the Alabama legislature. Don't expect him to respond to your phone call, letter, or e-mail unless you live in his district. We're going to be looking carefully at Rep. Crawford for the next few blogs. Why?

Crawford has brought much laughter, anger, and even praise on himself for pre-filing a bill banning Critical Race Theory in ANY Alabama classroom. Is this a problem in our state?

Crawford admits it's not now taught in any K-12 schools. Nor is it taught at the college level. Where is it taught? At the Alabama School of Law.

That's right; in order to take this course, you would probably be at least 23 years old. You would also have enough previous academics to be able to discern the good and the bad in this course.

As a matter of fact, you don't even have to take CRT. It's an elective that's taught once a year...if not once every two UA. We sincerely doubt that the majority of law students take this course and further doubt that many have any real interest in it. Yet, if they do, at the age of 23, isn't that their business and not Danny Crawford's? Is Rep. Crawford paying for their education? No. We didn't think so.

Just how worthwhile is Crawford's bill? In case you think banning CRT at any level is a good thing, how about banning teaching the history of women's suffrage in the U.S.? If Danny Crawford had his way, no one alive today in Alabama would know that a married woman couldn't own property until 1848 or vote until 1920. Real macho man, isn't he?

In case you think this is the worst idea that Crawford has ever espoused, you haven't been keeping up with his association with ALFA Insurance and his opposition to any bill seeking to ban animal cruelty.

He's one heckuva guy...

Monday, July 19, 2021

New Drug Trafficking Arrest for Brady Ann Irons


It was just four weeks ago that Brady Ann Irons and a partner in crime were arrested in Florence on charges of trespassing and drug possession. She and her current boyfriend Ted Wright promptly posted bond. Now she's been arrested on a charge of Drug Trafficking, among other crimes, in Lauderdale County. Again, she immediately posted bond. Apparently this arrest was a solo performance.

Just over seven years ago, Irons shot to infamy with an arrest as part of the "Heroin 22." Indictments listed two dead from the fentanyl tainted heroin the group was selling locally, but law enforcement frequently mentioned a total of four.

Also arrested at that time was Iron's mother Candace, but on fewer charges. Guess which one was meted out the longer sentence? Candace is currently serving her second incarceration in the state system and won't be free until December. Will Brady's umpteenth arrest, the second for Drug Trafficking, finally put her away for a long, long time? Many who have lost loved ones to the heroin trade are hoping so.


Irons' arrest is among as many as four this past week involving local trafficking by females. It's interesting to see the excuses of friends and family who compare these charges to a traffic ticket.

How do these excuses sound to any thinking individual? Perhaps like this...

Physician: You're slightly over weight. I would suggest losing ten pounds or so.

Patient: But, doctor, if this were the moon, I'd weigh only 25 pounds.

Ahhh, perspective...

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Sweet & Sour Notes in the Shoals


Several readers haven't been able to find the W.C. Handy Festival schedule online. Here's the link. Enjoy!


A few other readers have been at a loss over the name change of the new music venue at Inspiration Landing. We're pleased to say it's taking shape, but...

The name has now been changed from the Slag Yard to the Slag at Furnace least on its Facebook page. We may not have known the latest meaning of "tea," but we certainly know the meaning of "slag."

Perhaps it can advertise as being located between Hooker's Hot Dogs and Whore Boutique? Let's hope this is corrected before it makes any national news sites.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Persecuting Child Predators?


From Facebook:

Convicted sex offenders aren't allowed to use Facebook. If you've seen an account that may belong to a convicted sex offender, please report it to us. Make sure you provide one of the following types of information with your report: A link to a listing in a national or state sex offender registry.


Reporting a registered sex offender to Facebook is not persecuting. It's not "slander." It's absolutely the right thing to do!

Think about this: If the registered sex offender really wanted to be a good citizen why would he or she continue to violate Facebook's policy? That's not to mention violating the laws of the State of Alabama that could easily land him in jail or even prison?

So for those blaming us and others who have turned in this unrepentant young man, we ask why the first three times Facebook banned him didn't give him a hint that he wasn't wanted? We also ask what kind of advocate you are for this felon when every other word you type is a vulgar epithet?

Want to blame someone for "ruining this man's life?" Try the man himself. Whether guilty or innocent of the crime, he pleaded guilty and knew what that plea entailed when he stood before the judge. It's a little too late to plead innocence now.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Ag Authority Answers/School Consolidation


For those who came in late, here are the two questions a local activist presented to the Ag Authority:

1. Who was the lumber company that cleared the site, how much money did the Ag Authority receive for clearing the site, and has this company made or will make a political contribution, directly or indirectly, to any board members?

2. Privately, elected officials who are also Ag Authority board members have indicated to Florence City officials that they are declaring “war” on Florence. They now plan to take ALL TVA in-lieu-of tax money and force Florence to provide sewer service. Is that true and why are these elected officials trying to punish their constituents?

The board's answers:

1. Oakley Forest Products, along with others, cleared the land and paid the Ag Authority approximately $160,000. A brief search of campaign contributions revealed Rep. Phillip Pettus and Rep. Lynn Greer have both received $1000 from the company awarded the construction contract.

2. Sen. Melson would neither confirm or deny that additional TVA in-lieu-of tax money will be taken from schools and municipalities. Rep. Lynn Greer indicated it might be a possibility.


Read the second answer. Do you want Lynn Greer to decide if Lauderdale County Schools consolidate? The survey has already been done. Once the money is taken form the school system, it will be simply a matter of a school board vote to consolidate the schools.

We have one or two bloggers here who live in the county; however, none of them has a child in the school system. In other words, this blog has no horse in this race. If you have concerns about consolidation, YOU are the one to make your opinion heard. 

Don't say no one has ever told you it's coming...

Thursday, July 15, 2021

More Questions for Ag Board


First, there has been a question about "rural area." Yes, according to government guidelines, Florence is a rural area. 1. It has a population of under 50K. 2. It is over 50 miles from the nearest metropolitan area.

Sorry to break that to anyone who mistakenly thinks this is L.A.


From the Ag Center Transparency Project:

1. Who was the lumber company that cleared the site, how much money did the Ag Authority receive for clearing the site, and has this company made or will make a political contribution, directly or indirectly, to any board members?

2. Privately, elected officials who are also Ag Authority board members have indicated to Florence City officials that they are declaring “war” on Florence. They now plan to take ALL TVA in-lieu-of tax money and force Florence to provide sewer service. Is that true and why are these elected officials trying to punish their constituents?

Both these questions deserve answers. 


Now, is everyone ready for Lauderdale County school consolidation? Don't say you didn't see it coming...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Why Your Sheffield Utility Bill is So High?


The Shoals Chamber of Commerce is an asset to the area. It fulfills such a need that your city may contribute each year. That is unless you live in Sheffield. In that case, your utility department contributes.

That's right, as much as $10,000.00 a year of the utility budget is given to help promote Sheffield. That might sound fair enough...unless you think about it. According to one who complained to this blog, Sheffield Utilities serves "all rural regions of Colbert County, from the state line to the borders of Franklin and Lawrence Counties." One reader continued by saying "I seriously doubt that people in Margerum want their money going to promote Sheffield."

The first thing that comes to mind here is the history of this donation/payment. How did Sheffield Utilities come to be responsible for this donation? To what else is this public utility donating that concerns only the city?

If you're served by the Sheffield Utilities Department, you have a right to question this...

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Home Invasion: Enabling Isn't the Same as Helping


A few years ago, this blog received an e-mail concerning a local felon. It was ostensibly written by a member of his family and called anyone who claimed he had ever been arrested a liar. We politely replied that our blog had never mentioned this man's name or any of the crimes he may or may not have participated in.

Curious, we looked him up. We found plenty of references from Huntsville television stations and local news publications. This "innocent" man had been arrested twice for attempted murder and was convicted in one of those cases. He was at that time under indictment for drug trafficking. Some months later, we read that he had been shot dead during an argument at a Sheffield drug house.

We imagine his family still maintains that he was a total angel who was murdered without cause. We also imagine things might have turned out differently for this man if his family had attempted to get him some help instead of covering up for him.

Now we're hearing of a similar case. You may not have heard of a home invasion in the eastern end of Lauderdale County in which three men entered an apartment and attacked two who were present at the time. Both residents and one of the alleged robbers required hospitalization. All three young miscreants were arrested on numerous charges and remain in the detention center a month later.

We're not sure why this was not more widely covered, but this lack of news has allowed the friends and family of one these young men to minimize what he's accused of. All three are being held on charges of First Degree Robbery. One is also charged with assault with a gun, while the other two are charged with assault with a "weapon."

The young man with the longest record (15 separate arrests before the home invasion) is Kadarius (KD) Ingram. These are his official charges:

03:00:00 06/17/21 NEW-Assault-Aggravated
Assault Family-Other Weapon
LAUD3 13A-6-20 (154 ) DIST F

03:00:00 06/17/21 NEW-Robbery-Residence Other Weapon
LAUD3 13A-8-41 (119 ) DIST F

19:35:02 06/16/21 NEW-Assault-Aggravated
Assault Non-Family-Strong Arm
LAUD3 13A-6-20 (170 ) DIST F

It's unknown what Ingram will be indicted for, but these charges could increase. If convicted, KD is looking at a possible 30 years, especially considering his previous record. We've been told that each young man claims he remained in the vehicle while the other two robbed and beat the two victims. The victims claim all three attacked them.

What does Ingram's family say? We're told they not only deny his involvement in the crime, but the arrest charges as well. Sound familiar?

We'll be watching this case...

Monday, July 12, 2021

"Deadbeat" Dem Disses DA


“We believe you made these kids in private, you should take care of them in private. There’s never a good outcome when the state gets involved.”

Those are the words of the Democratic Party Chair from Lawrence County, Alabama. Marcus J. Echols is specifically criticizing the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office. To cut to the chase, this is why so many rational individuals eschew the Democratic Party. Just ignore this buffoon and vote for the better/best candidate. Not all Dems are cut from Echols' cloth.

We also have to ask: Doesn't Lawrence County have enough problems to keep Chairman Echols busy? Why is he attempting to contribute to controversy in Lauderdale?


Ladies, again, we say: Think before you have unprotected sex. If he doesn't care enough to make a small investment at the Walmart Pharmacy, he doesn't care enough to support any child that comes from the liaison. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Muscle Shoals Employees Get a Free Pass?


While most of our complaints concerning ATVs and UTVs have concerned residential streets in Muscle Shoals, we were sent this immediately after our recent blog:

One day this past week, 2 Muscle Shoals city employees were observed on what appeared to be a John Deere 4-wheeler (Gator?), sitting at a traffic light across from Shoals Hospital on Avalon Ave.

If you see any illegal recreational vehicles on local streets, please send us the information along with a photo. 


Is there a renewed urgency to keep these vehicles off public roads? This year, there has been an average of one deadly local crash every few weeks. The most recent:

Teen Killed in Lawrenceburg


4. Illegal Activities

This goes back to that earlier statement about common sense. If you die while committing a crime or participating in an illegal activity, the life insurance company can refuse to make a payment. For example, if you are killed while stealing a car, your beneficiary won’t be paid.

Okay. That one’s fairly obvious. But this next point might surprise you. What if you’re doing something illegal and you don’t even realize it? Maybe you’re walking on private property. Trespassing is a crime — even if you don’t know you’re trespassing. Let’s say you’re being chased by a big dog, and you have a heart attack and die. If it turns out that you were trespassing, your claim could be denied.

Florence police cracked down on these infractions some years ago; why haven't other law enforcement agencies?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Sheffield Refuses to Help Business Owners?


Which is more important to a city: cleaning up eyesores or bringing in new business? Surely the former would help encourage the latter?

It hasn't been that long ago that John Elkington had to tell the City of Sheffield to clean up its main entrances to help promote the Inspiration Landing Project. At this point, IL seems to be the holy grail for Sheffield - nothing else matters.

Restaurants come and go in any town, but Sheffield has seen more than its share. A reader has commented: Vertillo's Pizza is moving into the old Pizza Hut on Florence Blvd. The owner stated something about '...the City of Sheffield refusing to help business owners'????

We're sure many in Florence are delighted to see Vertillo's arrive in Florence. We're also sure many in Lauderdale County would rather eat at Vertillo's than trek to an overpriced venue at IL. That is, if Inspiration Landing actually gets beyond food trucks at the Slag Yard.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Why UTVs Aren't Street Legal in Alabama


Several weeks ago, a Colbert UTV crash claimed the life of a young man. The accident happened on a public road, and we mentioned to readers to avoid illegal situations for their own safety. Several took exception to this, as "everyone" does it, while one reader mentioned the possibility that UTVs were legal due to a federal ruling.

One of our valued advisors commented that often officers refused to give tickets to UTVs due to the so-called federal protection defense of farm machinery. Are they protected? According to state law, via a 1987 attorney general's opinion by Charles Graddick, UTVs should be considered the same as ATVs and, therefore, illegal on Alabama public roads. 

Now some Muscle Shoals residents have complained to us that ATVs and UTVs disrupt normal traffic flow on their suburban streets and police often turn a blind eye. We suggest taking it up with the city council.

As for the "everyone" does it defense, we've asked this question before and will pose it again: Just which laws do you decide to break and which to keep? 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Tim Melson & Andy Betterton Square Off


We're not sure why architect Charlie Smith didn't check into the availability of sewer lines when he designed the new Ag Center. Or perhaps, Sen. Tim Melson told Smith that the city's lines would be made available for the project? If that was the case, it seems Melson was wrong.

The City of Florence has an ordinance that caps lines at the city limits. While Andy Betterton (pictured above in his famous wall-holding pose) indicated the city might make an exception for a government entity, it will under no circumstances make exceptions for the retail outlets the ag center is expected to bring.

That's when the fight started...

Melson called Florence a stagnant city and offered up criticism of the new College Street mural, calling it a waste of $27,000.00 when a UNA art student would have worked gratis. We admit to becoming lost on that comparison, but it did allow Tim to call the city and Andy foolish. We've always said Tim has a way with words when he needs to charm others.

Now the Ag Center may be forced to join the city...or set up a legion of porta-potties. Everyone stay tuned while we run to Wally World for popcorn.