Monday, December 14, 2020

That Degree: Honorific or Earned?


We get that Tucker Carlson and a great many others despise Joe Biden. We're not a big fan of him ourselves. Yet how petty is it to take out your dislike on the man's wife whose biggest mistake in life may have been her marital choice?

If you missed it, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, who has been chastised in the past for using the word n****r, has told Dr. Jill Biden that she isn't a "real doctor." Then Carlson jumped in and called her doctorate akin to Dr. Pepper's. Yes, he really said that.

One of the most interesting things to come out of this is that a great many people, even in high places, don't understand the difference in an earned degree and an honorific title. Dr. Biden earned her degree through hard work. Now think of the University of North Alabama bestowing an honorific doctorate on George Lindsey. See the difference.

We'll also address some well-meaning criticism of the op-ed piece. Not all physicians are Medical Doctors (allopaths); many are Doctors of Osteopathy (osteopaths). Above all, the majority of doctors practice outside the medical field...including those confounded juris ones...

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