Tuesday, November 10, 2020

What's a Shoals Sex Worker?


Recently, several readers have asked about sex workers here in the Shoals. Just what is a sex worker? How many who self identify this way are prostitutes?

We've looked for statistics, national or otherwise, and can't find an exact breakdown for sex workers. Are strippers included? How about glamour models? It would probably depend on whom one asked. Certainly video exhibitionists and phone line workers would have to be included, but how large or small a percentage these sub-groups are, we have no firm idea.

Suffice it to say that most sex workers are prostitutes. They engage in what's been called the world's oldest profession - an illegal profession in most areas of the U.S. including Alabama. That brings up the question of why anyone would admit to engaging in selling their bodies when it's illegal to do so? Do local police not care or is something else going on?

If anyone has an insight into this activity in the Shoals, we'll be happy to publish your thoughts. We ask that they be kind to either side of the issue and not vulgar. 

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