Sunday, November 15, 2020

Lauderdale Lame Duck Super v. Colbert's


Neither the Superintendent of Lauderdale County Schools nor Colbert's will be returning for a second term. At this point, both should be interested in what's best for students and not in which parents they might offend with any command decisions. Yet, John Hatton and Gale Satchel have made strikingly different choices on basically the same issue.

While you may be ready for COVID-19 to be over, the virus seems to have different ideas. Each day it worsens, and we're now told we're looking at January before a vaccine is available. More and more students are becoming ill and taking the deadly virus home to families. What is the best plan of action? 

From Lauderdale:

Lauderdale County Schools Superintendent, Jon Hatton, said today that all students in grades PreK-12 at Lauderdale County High School are transitioning to remote learning. This is due to several teachers and students being quarantined. The remote learning will last from Friday, November 13, 2020, through November 30, 2020. This is for students only (Grades PreK-12). Faculty and staff members not in quarantine will report to school as usual. During this remote learning and quarantine time period, any students or staff members who test positive are to notify the Lauderdale County High School administration or school nurse. Students at Lauderdale County High School are expected to return to in-person learning at school on November 30, 2020.

From Colbert:

All Colbert County Schools will return to virtual learning until January, beginning November 16. CCS Superintendent Gale Satchel confirmed all schools will go virtual for the remainder of the year in order to keep the spread of Coronavirus down. She says the last day of in-person classes will be Friday, November 13.

That's an extra four weeks virtual learning for schools south of the river. What do parents say? More than a few say the Colbert School Board was never consulted...and they're not happy. Apparently, some of the school board agree with them. Which superintendent made the most prudent choice? Did Dr. Satchel think this was the only way to accomplish what was needed to minimize the virus in the Colbert system?

After the month long hiatus, the new Colbert super will be taking the helm. What will he say or do? It's anyone's guess at this point, and we don't envy him. 

1 comment:

  1. This reeks of "Lame Duck" politics on the part of the Loser Satchel. A parting shot, putting the burden on the shoulders of the new Superintendent. Luckily, he seems fully competent to handle it and once again proving the right person was elected for the job !
