Monday, November 16, 2020

A Word to a Sheriff, a Wife, & a Girlfriend


A Facebook friend recently asked a question about one of the many political parody accounts that have popped up in Shoals social media in the past six months. We had very little information concerning who was who, but it did prompt us to start reading. Did we get an eyeful!

First, we now understand that a certain sheriff is comparable to Bull Connor. Yes, someone actually said that. It would be laughable except for the fact that similar false rhetoric cost an honorable mayor his job and gave a local town someone less than competent in his place. We don't need this to happen again. We're urging the sheriff to address this promptly; it will only get worse if you don't.

Second, we see that some are alleging a close friendship between two city employees. To the male employee's wife, we suggest you spend more time at home observing just what's under your nose and less gallivanting across North Alabama political hot spots.

To the female employee, we suggest you learn from history. Franklin County some years ago - Two employees of a local government caught in the act. Which one was fired? Which one is still there? Not too fair, was it? Colbert County much more recently - Female employee lost not only her job, but her husband as well. Do you want to add to this list?


  1. Still not understanding your grudge against the new mayor, but you go ahead and be petty

    1. Not just us - Here's a recent FB post by a political poster: We've been watching the handling of the city and our homeless population. It is very sad indeed that the new community activist/social injustice Florence mayor is willing to break the law for a piece of stone, but can not make modifications to our city ordinances, as we have as a country, to help in dealing with "times such as these" and the homeless over the winter months? Common sense says you could put a 5 month stipulation on the changes, until warmer weather, but social injustice is limited to only certain "groups" of people, right Andy?
