Sunday, June 14, 2020

Only Andrew Sorrell Had the Morals & Common Sense!

Who supported Lynn Greer's HB463 that stole the vote from Florence citizens in the county superintendent's race? In the Senate, Larry Stutts for one. How about Tim Melson? Tim abstained from voting. Perhaps he could explain that to us.

How about the House? Only one legislator voted against the bill. Once again, Andrew Sorrell showed backbone when no one else did. Thank you, Andrew!

Remember the Ag Authority pilfering this expensive conference table from the City of Florence? That was some foreshadowing of Greer stealing Florence's vote, wasn't it? 

The table was eventually returned after enough people kicked up a fuss about it. Now what do we have to do to get our vote back?


  1. I've always wondered why Florence city residents could vote in county elections, but Lauderdale county residents can't vote in city elections. Any ideas??

    1. All Florence citizens are Lauderdale residents, but not all Lauderdale citizens are Florence residents. Simple, isn't it?
