Monday, June 1, 2020

Mayor Herston Says "Use Bullets"

Using guns and bullets. Yes, that always helps any situation. What is this man thinking? 

Rioting is not peaceful protesting. Rioting is wrong. Period.

Yet many who have been arrested in major cities have been the homeless, the mentally ill, and students without the proverbial lick of common sense who have been lured into this ploy to disrupt and steal.

Do they deserve to be shot? What if it was your schizophrenic brother or brainwashed child? Still think they should be shot...with bullets?

Some people make Bull Connor look good...


  1. The only way to stop it is with strong force. A person has the right to protect their property anyway neccessary

  2. Um I’ve saw the way North Alabama treats their mentally ill so this answer doesn’t shock me. Riverbend is only open a half a day, there are more mentally ill ppl in jail than violent criminals.
