Friday, June 19, 2020

Chad O.G. Holden: Vindictive & Inconsistent?

Pictured above is Chad (Original Gangster) Holden; we didn't dub him that, his students did. Holden is currently principal of Muscle Shoals High School, but soon he will be the system's new superintendent. 

One of Holden's first acts as principal of Muscle Shoals High in 2014 was to send a popular student home for her hair being dyed too vibrant a red:

Doesn't Look THAT Unnatural To Us

At the time the student was disciplined, Holden stated:

"As a new principal, my expectations are to enforce every school board policy and every rule in the student handbook, and that's what I did on the first day and what I will continue to do," 

In case you've forgotten, Holden knew this child's family. A lawsuit ultimately followed.

Flash forward to Muscle Shoals' 2020 graduation:

A Color Not Naturally Occurring On An Earthling

If the O.G. calls this being consistent, he needs to return to school for a remedial vocabulary course.

The O.G. Better Not Say A Word About Me

1 comment:

  1. Because of what is going on in the world she was allowed to wear her hair like this at graduation as for the other student she got to go through her senior year where as my gf didn't so how about you compare that since you want to compare
