Friday, November 8, 2019

Salvation Army Prejudice

We've been asked about the local Salvationist Church not feeding women the same meals as men. From what we gather this is due to poor planning and execution.

First, males and females are served meals separately. We have no problem with the segregation and understand the rationale behind it. Second, males are fed first. We're going to assume this is because there are usually three times as many males as females, and this facilitates the cleanup to get the larger group out of the way first. Again, we have no problem with this.

What we do have a problem with is those who plan and serve the meals allowing the males to return for seconds before the women are seated and served. How should this be handled?

If the normal ratio is 30 out of 40 are males, simply divide the dishes before serving. If only 28 or so of the males appear for the meal, place the extra two servings in freezer containers for another time. Then feed the females. Similarly save any food that is left for future consumption. Do not give seconds to anyone before all have been served.

Should the women be happy to get only veggies for a meal? Certainly bread and vegetables are welcome if one is hungry, but if you've just witnessed the males eating beef? 

We have never said the SA Church does no good at all. We do say they discriminate against gays, women, and goodness only knows who else. They teach their own brand of salvation and they send money to their home office in Virginia - that's quite a way from the Shoals.

Give to Room in the Inn and Room at the Table. Everything is local and all money accounted for!

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