Thursday, November 7, 2019

Now Where's That Teacher Shortage?

Many have asked and commented about the "teacher shortage" in Alabama. Specifically, they want to know why Tim Melson and Jon Hatton are taking part in recruiting educators from South Korea.

Of the shortage we can say two things. Both these facts are true today, but might not be be true in five years. As of now, the closest county with a documented teacher shortage is Winston. An emergency shortage is defined by the state BOE as the lack of over 30% qualified teachers in math and science. The shortage is in these fields and in no others. 

Will South Koreans come here in droves? Perhaps you should read up on the term "culture shock." Most people think of that phenomenon in terms of Americans moving to Haiti or a similar upheaval; however, it can work both ways. 

Are these young Koreans ready for a culture where the turn signal is optional and the Hard Times is considered educational material? Oh, what fun it will be just to sit and watch...

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