Friday, November 22, 2019

Meet Tyrus Mansell - Your Next Colbert County Commissioner!

We've always heard it asked: Who makes the better ditch digger - the man thinking about a better way to dig the ditch or the man thinking about how to get out of the ditch and move to a new job? If you have any doubts, it's the former.

So who makes the better county commissioner? The man who basically has no family, no long term ties to a county, and in fact who works in another county...or the family man who is seeking to better his home county, not simply to place another accolade on his political resume'?

We at Shoalanda Speaks want you to meet Tyrus Mansell:

Check Out His Facebook Page: Tyrus Mansell

While the campaign hasn't technically started, we believe the Colbert County voters should begin now to inform themselves about the issues. (Think animal welfare for starters.) The county just south of the river is poised to grow; let's not hold it back by electing those who seek only to serve themselves.

I'm Prince (the Canine-American Blogger) and I Approve This Message!

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