Thursday, March 7, 2019

Just Give the Table Back!

So many people who contact us have no idea of any delineation between city and county. It seems a county office worker falls into that group. There's been quite a conversation between Lora Morrow, former state legislative candidate, and Barbara Jamieson Griffith who works for the Lauderdale County legislative offices as a clerk. Griffith has accused Mrs. Morrow of twisting the truth, when it seems to us that Griffith doesn't even wish to admit for whom she works.

At issue is an antique table...or perhaps an antique reproduction conference table...that the Ag Board removed from city property, the Karsner-Kennedy House on Pine Street. The Facebook banter:

Griffith: my bosses had no idea it was gone. Blame me if you want. The KK house was refurbished in the early 80s for the Legislators to have an office. The table was built for them. The Main Street organization was allowed to use the upstairs office about 10 years later. They kicked the Legislative office out of their own building and I had I hour notice b4 I moved because the Main Street head didn’t have enough courtesy to tell me. We took the furniture to another Florence city office. It was not our choice to leave and the furniture was originally the legislators. What’s funny is the time you wasted of so many people to push an issue that not your business.


I must challenge the accuracy of your statement. 

1. The Legislature was not kicked "out of their own building." The building is owned by the City of Florence.
2. The table is owned by the City of Florence, and was taken without permission from the Karsner-Kennedy House
3. You did not take it to another Florence City office. You took it to a Lauderdale County controlled office.
4. The furniture was not "originally the legislators"
5. As a citizen of Florence, it is my business, along with every other citizen, to protect the assets of our great city.

If any other group of people had taken property that didn't belong to them, they would be in

jail. When are you returning the table and any other furniture stolen from Karsner-Kennedy House?

Since this was no easily replaced Ikea table, and since we're sure the Ag Board wants to remain scrupulously honest, we assume the conference table will be immediately returned. If it isn't, please let us know. The plurality of bloggers here live in Florence and have a vested interest in city property. 

Who Took the Table to the Stable?


  1. There seems to be several "clerks" who work at the Lauderdale County courthouse who think they have been anointed the position from on high. They seem to forget where their checks are coming from....the taxpayers. Rudeness seems to be the only qualification for a job in some offices.

  2. Remember when the Clintons stole the WHite House furniture and went to jail?
