Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Inspiration Landing: City within a City

According to the City of Sheffield, Inspiration Landing is a “city within a city.” Will it have its own mayor? Probably not, but will have its own tax structure. Yes, expect to pay more taxes at restaurants in the proposed project than you would just outside its borders. That would also hold true for any retail establishments which might locate in the resort. You know...Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton. Don’t worry, we can all go through IL’s trash to recycle bags for our Target purchases.

Of course, IL is for tourists, not regular folks as some would call the everyday inhabitants of the City on the Bluff. Or as W.C. Fields would have said: Suckahs!

Councilman Ronnie Wicks said two weeks ago that he feels like the city is about to break ground on the project...after five calendar years of planning and at least four start dates that have come and gone.

If IL does come to pass, just how will the State Department of Revenue handle the sales tax distribution? Are there any other cities within cities in the state? Will Montgomery laugh at Sheffield? Or should the question be: Will Montgomery laugh even more at Sheffield?

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