Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why Would a UNA Professor be Suspended?

Another University of North Alabama professor/employee has been placed on administrative leave pending review:

Why? First, we can understand that the university doesn't want to comment on a case that has pending legal action. Yet that doesn't mean we can't infer some conclusions.

Possibility 1: Employee violated policy on sexual behavior.

Possibility 2: Employee physically assaulted either a student or another employee.

Possibility 3: Employee illegally appropriated funds belonging to either the university, staff, or students.

Which possibility is the most common? Not difficult to answer that one, is it?

Some time ago, a disgraced university employee committed suicide. A friend then commented to us that sexual dalliances more or less came with the territory in some fields of study. 

Be that as it may, we have some advice for any students, be they female or male:

1. If you're interested in marriage, don't hook up with someone who already has a spouse.

2. If you're interested in only the physical, there are plenty of single people out there who won't cost you your reputation, scholarship, or future jobs.

3. If the prof is making unwanted physical advances toward you, first slap him, then report him. Okay, slapping is optional, but be sure to growl at him...

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