Thursday, January 17, 2019

Max Sanders Sr.: A Real Piece of Work

We've always advocated clean election campaigns and we similarly advocate clean transitions when an incumbent is defeated. Apparently the new Lawrence County sheriff Max Sanders Sr. doesn't want to play that way. We do realize that an incoming sheriff isn't obligated to retain any of the previous office holder's staff, but terminating ten employees in a department the size of Lawrence County's seems a bit much:

Let us stress that we don't know former sheriff Gene Mitchell or new sheriff Sanders. Therefore, we have no axe to grind and haven't had an opinion on the new sheriff until today when he made it a point to insult Mr. Mitchell when he could have just said nothing or uttered some fluff about new ideas and that he would be keeping the public updated. Apparently Sanders isn't that classy.

Basically the same article featuring Sanders' claims and Mitchell's answer to the accusations has appeared in three local publications, so you won't be at a loss to find it. One of the main things that stood out about Sanders' remarks was that he made a point to blame Mr. Mitchell for any situation he didn't like without bothering to check on any facts. 

Yep. Sounds like Sanders is going to make a great investigator.

You can look forward to a new blog by the Midnight Rider and some very pithy comments by Sheffield Shelly. A new writer, the Avenger, has a profound piece on the increase in Florence sales tax, and two of our regulars have some quite dissimilar comments on the Hamilton shooting. The following few days should prove very interesting.

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