Monday, September 17, 2018

The Face of an Angel (Or Keep Fighting DHR)

Remember Angel Gieske? She's the fake doctor of psychology to whom thousands and thousands of our dollars were paid to sort out home situations. She's currently serving two concurrent and one consecutive sentence of one year from Lauderdale, Franklin, and Walker Counties. Apparently Limestone chose not to prosecute. Angels may walk among us, but this one won't be in our midst again until February 2020.

However, she is in currently in Lauderdale County, specifically the detention center, at order of the judge. We have no idea why she was sent for, but we have seen her mug shot taken upon entering the facility. This is the face of crime. This is the face of DHR who either placed or took custody of children upon her orders. Look at it carefully, and then tell us that the DHR in Alabama is a fully functioning, non-corrupt agency.


We've been asked to comment on two gun crimes, one slightly out of our usual geographic territory. We'll take on the Huntsville school shooting first.

1. This boy took a gun from his home which his father had left unsecured. No gun laws will make a person responsible unless a police officer is a fixture in the home.

2. This gun "belonged" to a person who had no constitutional right to a gun. Again, how do you regulate a criminal?

3. This gun was stolen. By now you should see that no one in this home followed the law and would have obtained a gun no matter what laws were in place.

4. For any gun laws to make a difference in this type of situation, it will take approximately 30 years to clean up this current mess. First, we have to have citizens willing to make it happen. While we do support that, we don't see that as happening in most of our lifetimes.

5. Huntsville, where the elementary school shooting took place, is discussing metal detectors at all schools. We agree and feel that Florence should follow suit. Sad, isn't it?

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