Sunday, September 2, 2018

Crime, Corruption, & Civil Disobedience Make Us Feel Good?

This state is number one in football and corruption:

And you know what? So many of our citizens are proud of that. If everything is all right in the football department, why care about the other things in life?

1. We recently had approximately 20 readers from the Waterloo area write to chastise us for publishing a comment on illegal recruiting at the high school. How many in Waterloo were concerned about a hazardous road that had taken a life? Only one man, Hank Thomas, who probably isn't a Waterloo native, but who had the gumption to get something done about it. Thank you, Hank!

2. A reader (whom we believe to be kind and caring) informed us that the citizens of Vina don't pay much attention to the law since there are no police around to enforce it. If that isn't a sad commentary, we don't know what is. Now two children are dead, and many said that's just life, get over it. 

3. Parents at Wilson School in Florence thumb their noses at flag desecration because it makes them feel good. Don't forget: If it feels good, do it.

The connecting thread is that Waterloo, Vina, and the Zip City/Wilson Branch community are all rural to some fact, to a great extent. No, we don't believe that residents of these rural areas are all heathens who fail to teach their offspring right and wrong. We do believe that a great many of them would be right at home if plucked up and dropped into the ghettos of Chicago...

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