Thursday, August 9, 2018

Kudzu - 99 v. Sheffield Signs - 0

If you remember our movie location from yesterday, it was 32nd Street and 20th Avenue in Sheffield. We didn't pull that designation from an old film can. The lot at this corner has been for sale for approximately five years...and mowed once during that time.

It gets better. You know those "Can You Find the..." that are regularly posted on the Internet. Well, we have a great one for you. Can you find the sign that says "Slow - 25 MPH?" 

Couldn't find it? You're not alone; we required the assistance of the reader who sent us the photos earlier in the week. Here's a closeup that shows the sign from the middle of the above photo. Warning: You may still have to look carefully.

Every city and county government should require that all signs be cleaned off and refurbished if necessary at least once a year. This particular sign is near a school zone and just might at some point save a life if anyone could read it.


But that's not all. Remember the photo of the pool hall located in Sheffied? This is two to three doors to the north:

The city should either make the owner clean this hazard up or confiscate the building to rehabilitate and sell for expenses. We hope no one is holding their breath...

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