Saturday, July 15, 2023

Will Dismukes Throws Father under the Bus - Part III


Will Dismukes and ALFA - two entities without either morals or a conscience - had parted ways. The struggling Alabama representative was now working for a private flooring company and presumably not making the fortune he thought he was worth. Then he came up with a plan.

Dismukes ensured his father got jobs with the flooring concern and that checks for an over-billed number of hours were made out to "William Dismukes," a name he and the elder Dismukes shared. Will then cashed the checks, paid his father the correct amount, and pocketed the rest.

It didn't take long for the flooring company to get wise to Will's ruse. When confronted, he did what any scalawag would do - he blamed his father for the theft. Don't you just love these ALFA people?

When indicted and arrested, Will chose to plead not guilty. There was a much postponed trial at which the elder Dismukes was forced to testify. After Bill Dismukes' testimony and a subsequent guilty verdict, both Will and his latest wife Carol visited the older man and harangued and cursed him for not lying to save his son. Bill Dismukes wrote a letter to his daughters and killed himself the next day.

On Monday, July 17th, William Dismukes III will be sentenced. His three sisters are hoping for the maximum of 20 years.


This is Baxley. She's a Lab mix and just under two years old. You can adopt Baxley at the Florence Shelter in the industrial park on Roberson Road:

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