Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sheffield: The City That Could, but Won't


The day-to-day operations of the City of Sheffield border on 'the abysmal'. Its city streets are falling apart, derelict buildings and cars abound in almost every neighborhood, and illegal dumping goes unaddressed. Yet, the city continues to throw taxpayer $$$ at a boondoggle called Inspiration Landing. Where's a good State audit when one is needed?


Remember when they built the McFarland Golf Course in Florence? When naysayers predicted flooding, the city pooh-poohed the idea. How many times did the course flood before it was finally scuppered? Then came the tourism office. No, they promised, it wouldn't flood. No, it doesn't, but the roadway and walkway do. Bring your water wings if you want to get in on a very wet day.

Now think about the land Inspiration Landing will be (might be) built on. Those who know, say the property will flood, at least the area closest to the river. Is that why no one is snatching up those residential lots?

While we don't live in Sheffield, J. and at least one more blogger do. We urge you to attend every council meeting to ask why the taxpayers are still losing money each month on the resort from Hell.

Did we hear someone say Bennett Pugh for mayor?

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