Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Lauderdale County High School Flashes KKK Signs?


Photo Provided by The Avenger

Our old friend The Avenger Returns:

This is the "victory" pose from the boy's varsity county championship basketball tournament held on 01-21-23. LCHS was the winner and the players posed for a picture. See anything unusual?

Notice the hand gestures. This is not the normal way to signal the number THREE. As in; three years in a row as county champions. Maybe this was "kid's playing a joke". But; it really isn't funny to be flashing known Klan gang signs, even for high school students. It is not considered a good "look" in much of the country. This is just piling onto Rogersville's image problem and the school; instead of correcting this behavior, is posting the picture on their facebook page. It is sad to have this stain on the picture of the championship win. 

One wonders, did it ever cross the mind of any ADULTS in the room (parents, coaches, or principal) that one day these young men may want to apply for college, or graduate school or a position in a company outside of Lauderdale county or the state or the region and have to explain this picture? Flashing gang signs, especially those associated with a known hate group, can prove detrimental at an interview. What does it say of the ADULTS who go along with the "joke" and publish the picture anyway? A laugh riot and getting one on the "libs", I guess. At what cost to the kids? You can't blame the young players. 

Somewhere, maybe they got the idea it is "cool" to flash Klan gang signs. Maybe they didn't know it was a KKK hand gesture. Either way, once again there should have been an adult in the room somewhere thinking about possible consequences. And at the very least protect the boys from their immature actions by not publishing the picture. And perhaps in the future; their feelings of embarrassment and shame. 

Anybody remember shame? This is not so much about PC (Politically Correct) as it is adults who are DP (Deplorable People) who do not protect the children and laugh at their own twisted joke. "Have you no shame, sir" may come back to bite many who revel in ignorance and promote hate someday. Let's just hope it is not at the expense of these fine young athletes. Teach your children well, Rogersville.

1 comment:

  1. Work isn’t a good look on you. That number three has been used in basketball for decades. https://youtu.be/9uitmfFzxI0

    I won’t hold my breath while waiting for an apology and retraction for the implication that these boys, their coaches, and their families are racist. I’m sure you’ll have some nonsense rebuttal that is 100% speculation for their intent. The shame, dear blogger, belongs to you.
