Saturday, January 7, 2023

Inspiration Landing Year Nine: Time to Throw in the Towel?


The year 2023 marks the beginning of the ninth official year of plans for Sheffield's Inspiration Landing. What does the City have to show for these nine years?

1. Several lovely dead-end roads to nowhere.

2. A beautiful short stretch of black fencing by a defunct music venue.

3. A large eye-catching sign at the entrance way.

4. Two USDA loans totalling $2,748,000.00, on which 13 payments have presumably been made.

5. A long list of changing promises from Memphis developer John Elkington, complete with publicity photos of smiles and handshakes.

If we've left out anything, we apologize. We now have to ask why the citizens of Sheffield are continuing to allow their leaders to keep up this farce?


A tale of two brothers:

Joe spends a few hours each week scanning city streets for discarded metal to sell for cash. He makes around $50.00 a month from this endeavor.

Jim spends an equal amount of time driving to a nearby state to purchase $100.00 a week in lottery tickets.

Jim often criticizes Joe for wasting his time on his scavenging hobby, but Joe just laughs. At the end of the year, Joe has an extra 600.00 in his bank account, while Jim has spent $5,200.00 with nothing to show for it.

Isn't the City of Sheffield a lot like Jim who constantly brags of what his future will bring, but in reality will have nothing to show for time and effort except some huge bills. Better to think small and actually have something, no?

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