Thursday, February 3, 2022

Where's the Tin Man? The One Purchased from Tuscaloosa...


While on the subject of murals from Atlanta and logos from Birmingham, remember the Florence Singing River sculpture to be located on Mitchell Boulevard? The last payment is due March 31st, at which time, everything is to be in place.

So...will we be seeing the horn man on time? If not, the city has the option to extend the contract or demand the return of any funds that have already been paid. Perhaps the city will get lucky and Jazz Man will be a no show:

We can see the police reports now: "I'm so sorry officer. I've never been in this area before and when I crossed O'Neil Bridge I saw this...uh, this...well, whatever that thing is, and it scared the snix out of me. The DOT should put up one of those electronic warning signs."


  1. Thanks for your excellent memory, Shoalanda! Like many I am sure, I had forgotten all about the "tin man".....another waste of taxpayer money and was Oliver and "the spotless mind school marm" even on the council then??? There has been so much corruption and waste of other people's money over the years from Tricky Dick and company, it all kind of runs together. Just another debacle they were never called out on by either the public or the media (other than YOU), no wonder they think they are rulers of this land and we work for them, instead of they work for US. How about it reporter from WAAY, would you PLEASE take on this crooked project too? (There is hope we FINALLY have a REAL reporter who cares about what goes on "over in the Shoals) IF ONLY WE ALREADY HAD A NEWS OUTLET WITH A PRINTING PRESS IN PLACE!:( (with reporters who didn't WORK at one time with a crooked councilwoman and purposely cover up for her and her co-horts)

  2. Don't forget, Tuscumbia has already paid for their statue and haven't gotten it. The podium has been sitting empty near the depot.
