Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Council Meeting is Quite the Thrilla!


1. Dick throws Andy to the lions on records requests.

2. Griffin says we who see a vulgarity in the logo are the lessers.

3. Speaking of vulgarity, some guy who was clearly ticked (and didn't give his name) used the same horrible word for feces three times. Really bad form.

4. David Carson's words stood out. We're much more middle of the road, but he was right on spot.

5. We need more investigation into the arrangement with Tatum Design.

6, WAAY reporter was a breath of fresh air! Keep it up!

7. Many out there want their opinions heard, but aren't willing to listen to the opinions of others.

8. Jimmy Oliver and Kaytrina Simmons are class acts. Remember that come election time!


  1. You provided the "cliff notes" of the meeting very well "Shoalanda" It was good to see you out and about, almost didn't recognize you :).....hmmmm..... Let me add my take 1. To start off a meeting in the accusatory tone that Mayor Candy Andy had was bad enough but to have his "better half" in the audience giving dirty looks to those who spoke up showed how weak "knee" he really is...she appears to be a good choice in bodyguard though, she looks like she could throw a mean left hook. 2. Blake Edwards came off as a self satisfied snob banker who could care less about the well being of his constituents, wait he has ALWAYS came across that way. Even before he was in local politics, actually all the way back to high school 3. Poor Ol Tricky Dick, all that can be said is the ravages of wet brain ain't pretty to watch. And then to let it slip that one million dollars goes to helping the homeless you heard a gasp in the crowd and everyone simultaneously wondered where the money went. Were the Salvationist really laundering THAT much money? The other council members you covered but you almost left out the star of the show. 4. MRS EUBANKS. She did a faux society matron act of haughtiness when called on the carpet about her relationship with the design firm in Homewood who made the "F" and lost her "cool" sufficiently to call some constituents "liars" when she didn't like their protest to her denials and HER lies about her emails exposed. Why was she voting on this contract again?? Probably if the campaign for impeachment gets any traction it will be with her. She broke rules and perhaps laws all over the place concerning this fiasco. SUMMARY...As you said, the entire event was in some ways comical but in many ways disheartening. Let me put a little positive spin on this situation. For far too long the citizens of Florence have ignored who they were electing locally and concentrated on things in Montgomery and Washington when in reality the decisions that affect our daily lives more often come from Pine St than Pennsylvania Ave. If it causes the voters to pay attention to what is going on at city hall in Florence, and when elections come around again make sure serious qualified individuals run in each district so there is a choice for good instead the least bad candidate this won't be a total "F", but the taxpayer still probably is getting screwed out of the money spent, some things always remain the same...in a perfect world....honest elected officials who spend wisely and kept the public informed...one can dream...that is about as positive as I can get with 40 years of following the Florence City council

  2. OK. Now I'm getting worried: This makes TWICE in one week I've agreed with 'theavenger'. Scary, Really scary...
