Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Where Is the Florence Recreation Vision?


Many government endeavors are like Kudzu. They grow and grow in every direction; then one day you look at them and wonder how they got to a certain point. We never drive by FloGas that we don't think of the elaborate weather station that once graced the compound, all paid for by taxpayers. When the director left in disgrace, tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment were...what...sold for scrap?

If you're not familiar with Bill Jordan, he's the son of city council president Dick Jordan. He's worked for the electricity department and now heads the parks & rec division. From where does he draw his inspiration?

He disbanded a 60 year-old swimming program and blatantly suggested young people pay to take part in a friend's private endeavor. When asked about pickleball yesterday, he had to call up the friend who first suggested the project to him. Going with the flow and assisting influential friends are plays right out of Dick and Andy's book.

After we published the critique of the Florence Detective, we were informed that this project also includes tennis courts. Weren't these voted down before?

We have to ask if Bill Jordan has ever had an original idea or if he understands the value of the taxpayer dollar?


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to The Shoals: Hundreds of places to eat, but nothing to do.
