Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lord of the (Sex) Rings - Rogersville Style

The question that everyone keeps asking this holiday season is what is wrong with Rogersville? What happened to the place that we all know and love?

Well Ms. S., I have once again left my Ridge Road home in Anderson to sit in the parking lot of the Rogersville Public Library to tell you just what the deal is.

In 2011, a fresh face from Florence was hired to be the new Vice Principle at LCHS. His plans for our old school were much more sinister than could ever be imagined.

He looked at LCHS and Rogersville as a prime opportunity to enlist individuals into the latest in multi-marketing. LIMU quickly spread through the school, police department, town hall and later the entire town.

The chain of command at LCHS (and in town) was quickly replaced by a pyramid, and the fresh faced blond guy from Florence was at the very tip-top.

Cult like behavior and mind control had officially taken over. 

The power that he obtained in a short amount of time could not keep him from being forced to resign on the first day of school in his second or third year for unbecoming behavior. 

Today he spends his time flying around the world in jets, being worshiped by his many followers.

As bad as what has happened at LCHS is, the citizens of Rogersville are very thankful that it has finally come to light. They are thankful that the sex ring will finally be broken. The pyramid of power will finally be broken. Goodness will hopefully prevail!

If lawmakers are taking note please write a new law that makes it illegal to have sex on school property. We are also asking that you make it illegal to promote multi-level marketing in schools.

As far as releasing a statement to the citizens of Rogersville and an apology to the students of LCHS. Do the right thing, Mr. Hatton. We trust that you know what the right thing to do is. Just do it!

Your good bud, ZAR

While a reader has reported that a Lauderdale County Board meeting will be held December 4th, the BOE's website shows no meeting scheduled. We're guessing that board personnel simply don't maintain the site.

We suggest everyone who's interested call to ascertain the time of the next meeting and to attend. Speak up for your children and demand answers.