Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Our Top Five Stories in 2024


We may not know what 2025 will bring, but we can look back on what 2024 brought to the Shoals:

5. Belaki's Gone

4. Unethical Florence Tree Commission

3. Judge Gil Self Arrested

2. Muscle Shoals Police Shoot Alzheimer's Patient Dead

1. Inspiration Landing Dead

Ah, tomorrow's a new day and a new year. Let's make the most of it.

Monday, December 30, 2024

An After Hours Utilities Emergency in Sheffield?


If you live in Florence and have an after hours utilities emergency, don't be surprised when the listed number connects you to 911. At least it's in Lauderdale County and the person on the other end knows where Slaughterneck Road is. 

How about Sheffield? No, you don't get 911 or any place in Colbert County...or even Alabama. You get a call service located in another state where the attendant will tell you to hold on - she's doing the best she can.

For anyone who doesn't know, Sheffield has the highest overall utility rates in the Shoals. Yet you don't even get any homegrown emergency service?

It could be worse; you could be asked to leave a message for someone to get back to you...as your kitchen floods or a geyser spouts from the pothole-filled lane in front of your home.


In case you're wondering what damage the 2025 Alabama legislative session will bring, at least ten city mayors are requesting that online sales tax be increased. They're not greedy, of course. They just want brick and mortar stores to have an even playing field with online merchants in their humble little towns.

Really? We bet most residents of Shoals towns (think Sheffield) would rather pay an even higher sales tax than have to go downtown to shop.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Tommy Is Seventh in Congress...


...in the amount of stock traded.  That's right, there are 528 members of the U.S. Congress who buy and sell less stocks than Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville. Further, he was one of 37 who traded in defense stocks last year. Nice, since he's a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Certainly the "Coach" does good from time to time, but 90% of his acts and pronouncements are highly suspect. Isn't there someone out there who would be willing to run against Tommy in 2026? 

At this point, a hologram of Grover Cleveland would do...


After a great deal of Christmas recreational reading, we feel the need to offer a new lesson in English. Disinterested and Uninterested are not interchangeable. It may be bad for a person to be uninterested in something, but it's always good for a judge to be disinterested in a legal matter. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Sheffield is a Giant Broken Window


If you don't know the "Broken Window Theory," it states that a building can sit abandoned for 20 or so years and remain untouched, but if someone throws a rock through one window, in a matter of weeks, all the windows in the structure will be broken. We can apply it here to Sheffield trash.

After all, why keep your lawn clean and neat if no one else does? It might be garbage, trash, or just weeds growing in the gutter, but if you allow them to accumulate, it says something about you.

Apparently Sheffield code enforcement officers are too busy checking dates on retail fire extinguishers to cite residents whose homes look like they belong on Tobacco Road. Did you ever wonder how John Elkington must have laughed at you behind your backs?

How about the residents of nicer areas? Their guests must pass through endless trash to arrive at their homes. These individuals should make a point to complain also.

Is it just the citizens? No! If a resident places a discarded item of furniture on the curb to be picked up, he or she should have every expectation of it being removed within a week, certainly within two weeks. Yet the City of Sheffield fails to do its job...over and over.

The theme for Sheffield should be: Taking out the Trash in August 2025!

Friday, December 27, 2024

If Prisoner Has a BAC of .23?


Below is medical information on treating anyone who has a blood alcohol content of .23. No, we don't know if the inmate who died at the Lauderdale County Detention Center this week refused medical treatment. What we do know is that a person legally deemed too impaired to consent to sex, is also too impaired to refuse needed medical attention. We believe that Dana McLaughlin didn't have to die alone in a cell on Christmas morning. 

A BAC of 0.23 is extremely high and puts you at serious risk of alcohol poisoning. Here's what can happen to your body at this level:

  • Severe Impairment: You'll likely be disoriented, confused, and unable to control your movements.  
  • Unconsciousness: You may pass out and become unresponsive.
  • Impaired Breathing: Alcohol can depress your respiratory system, leading to difficulty breathing and even respiratory arrest.  
  • Aspiration: If you vomit while unconscious, you could inhale vomit into your lungs, causing choking or pneumonia.  
  • Hypothermia: Alcohol can interfere with your body's ability to regulate temperature, increasing your risk of hypothermia.  
  • Death: At this BAC, the risk of death is significantly increased.

If you or someone you know has a BAC of 0.23, it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Reform Needed at LCDC


We don't pretend to know all the circumstances that brought Dana McLaughlin to the Lauderdale County Detention Center on Christmas Eve. We do know her death could have and should have been avoided. 

According to her father, Ms. McLaughlin was involved in a traffic accident that led to her arrest. So far, detention center administrators have not stated how often the 51 year-old Florence woman was checked on before she was found deceased in her cell at 2:00 a.m. Christmas morning.

Let's hope this tragedy leads to reform at the LCDC. Our sincerest sympathy to the family of Dana Yarbrough McLaughlin.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Monday, December 23, 2024

Attack a Police Officer? Good Luck!


1819 News runs some thoughtful articles. It also runs some stories that belong in File 13. Today we read about a poor rioter who had to serve time for attacking a Capitol police officer. Oh, but it really wasn't his fault.

We haven't heard such proclamations of innocence since we read excerpts from Ryan O'Neal's autobiography. No, Kaleb Dillard of Birmingham had very little to do with his crimes...ahem.

1. It was his father who encouraged him to go to the January 6th rally.

2. He didn't intend to approach the Capitol, but was swept away by the huge throng of people.

3. When he saw a Capitol police officer blocking his way, he didn't think, he just grabbed him and threw him to the ground (or as he says, released him to the floor).

We'll agree, Dillard didn't think about consequences before he grabbed the officer. He wound up with ten months in a federal prison to think about his crimes.

What's he doing now? He's writing a book about how his arrest, trial, and imprisonment were such a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Dillard's thinking isn't that rare. We just last week received several comments on how a car burglar was so unfairly treated when he attacked the arresting Florence officer.

We don't know why you think you have the right to attack a police officer, but if you do, don't expect us to support you.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Where Harlan Elementary Veered into the Abyss


Our Harlan Elementary School observer has sent us some very interesting information. We present it here without editing:

With all the evidence and information that is continued to be given. Look at the following information and see what Thomas Casteel has been doing and to the extent of Jimmy Shaw and the Florence Board of Education know about all of this for years and still letting it happen….

Alabama public schools and Florence City Schools principal/leadership job description & guidelines

In Alabama public schools, principals are expected to fulfill a range of responsibilities that encompass administrative management, instructional leadership, and community engagement. Key guidelines outlining these duties include:

Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders:

These standards emphasize the principal's role in fostering a vision of high expectations for learning and continuous improvement. Principals are responsible for:

Alabama Code § 16-24B-4:

This statute outlines the legal duties of principals, including:

Local School Board Policies: Florence City Schools


Florence City Schools (FCS) outlines specific qualifications and responsibilities for principal positions to ensure effective leadership and the promotion of academic excellence within its schools.


  • Educational Requirements: A Master's degree from an accredited educational institution.
  • Certification: Valid Alabama certification in Educational Leadership, School Principal, or Administration and Supervision.
  • Experience: A minimum of three years of classroom teaching experience and/or administrative experience.
  • Background Clearance: Successful completion of background checks as mandated by Alabama statutes and State Board of Education regulations.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Instructional Leadership: Oversee and administer the instructional program to ensure all students achieve academic success.
  • Staff Supervision and Evaluation: Supervise and evaluate school staff to promote professional growth and ensure adherence to educational standards.
  • Policy Development and Implementation: Develop, implement, and enforce school policies and procedures in alignment with district, state, and federal regulations.
  • Safe Learning Environment: Maintain a safe, secure, and effective learning environment for students and staff.
  • Community Engagement: Foster positive relationships with parents, community members, and stakeholders to support student achievement and school initiatives.

These standards ensure that principals within Florence City Schools fulfill both administrative and instructional leadership roles to support student success and continuous school improvement.

And then take a look at this

Based on the job descriptions and requirements for principals outlined by the Alabama State Department of Education and Florence City Schools, the actions described indicate several violations by the principal, including:

1. Violating Educational Leadership Duties

  • Failure to Ensure a Safe Learning Environment:
    • The principal did not maintain a secure environment as required, with weapons (guns, knives) and threats (death threats, hit lists, suicide notes) reportedly being ignored or mishandled.
    • A loaded gun was left on campus for four days, and no appropriate disciplinary action was taken.
  • Failure to Address Student Discipline:
    • Discipline referrals were reportedly ignored or undocumented, violating district policy and state law.
    • The principal did not report severe incidents as required.
  • Unsafe Conditions for Teachers:
    • Teachers experienced verbal and physical assaults from students without intervention or support from the principal.

2. Violating Staff Supervision and Ethical Standards

  • Retaliation Against Teachers:
    • Teachers were allegedly harassed, reassigned, forced to quit, or fired in retaliation for raising concerns. This undermines ethical leadership standards and violates anti-retaliation laws and policies.
  • Mental and Verbal Abuse of Teachers:
    • The principal allegedly engaged in abusive behavior toward staff, breaching professional conduct and workplace safety expectations.

3. Failure to Comply with Mandated Reporting Laws

  • Violation of Mandatory Reporting Obligations:
    • The principal reportedly failed to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) and tipped off parents instead. This violates Alabama's child protective services laws and the mandated oath signed by educators.
  • Manipulation of DHR Reporting Numbers:
    • The principal reportedly avoided filing reports to keep the school’s DHR call numbers low, which is unethical and against mandated reporting requirements.

4. Mismanagement of School Policies and Procedures

  • Ignoring School Board PoliciesCentral Office Noncompliance:
    • The principal's actions, combined with alleged inaction by higher administration, reflect a breakdown of oversight and compliance with local school board policies.
  • Failure to Document Incidents:
    • Discipline and safety issues were allegedly not documented as required by district policy, compromising transparency and accountability.

5. Breaching Legal and Ethical Obligations

  • Disregard for First Amendment Rights:
    • Teachers allegedly faced retaliation for expressing concerns, a potential violation of their First Amendment rights.

6. Violating Instructional Leadership

  • Neglecting Staff Development:
    • Alleged harassment and lack of support for teachers contradict the expectation to foster professional growth and teamwork among school staff.

Did the board of education never take this into account ….  The principal, superintendent, and board of education has allegedly failed to meet the qualifications and responsibilities required for the role, including ensuring safety, adhering to policies, supporting staff, and complying with legal and ethical standards. These actions represent significant breaches of trust, district policy, and Alabama law.

Or are they just worried about the ‘data & numbers’ the school is producing.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Tuscumbia - the Charity City


When that unexpected snow storm hits, it's great if private companies help clear a town's roads. A horrible flash flood? It's fantastic when citizens help shore up areas that are prone to insufficient drainage.

But how about when normal city equipment goes on the fritz? How often are towns forced to rely on local organizations to repair the broken or even purchase new for the town they call home? Apparently the City of Tuscumbia has welcomed that private assistance again in Spring Park.

On Thursday, we received this message from a concerned citizen:

the mayor and city council members plan to put on another “look what we did” show sometime tomorrow when they turn the waterfall back on. They couldn’t just leave it running when they put in two pumps on Tuesday, they turned it on then back off so they can put on on their show with possibly some news media there.

Was he correct in his prediction? Absolutely. The City's small ceremony did acknowledge that the AL-TN Trail of Tears Corridor Association and TVA "assisted" with the effort to repair/replace the two pumps that power the park's waterfall.

Thanks to both entities, but especially the AL-TN TTCA, a private organization not funded with our tax dollars. We are concerned that this trend could spread in the wrong direction. Will we soon hear of the Highland Hookers providing new equipment to the Chisholm Road soccer field or the Satanic Temple collecting trash in Sheffield?

Collecting trash in Sheffield? Hmmm...

Friday, December 20, 2024

Big Lots - Say It Ain't So!


First the store in Florence Plaza was W.T. Grant (remember the popcorn machine?), then Woolco, and (almost) finally Big Lots. Yes, it was Big Lots for decades until the store moved to the parkway. Things were booming...or so everyone thought.

Then yesterday, everyone's favorite discount store announced the closing of its 963 remaining stores. Life goes on, but differently.

While many are totally opposed to shopping from the comfort of their La-Z-Boy, we love it. Pay that yearly Amazon Prime and Walmart+ fee and shake off the chains of the combustion engine and lipstick. 

Sure, we'll miss just knowing that Big Lots was out there, but we've survived J.C. Penney, K-Mart, and Sears disappearing, we'll live through this. Plus we have about $500.00 worth of fancy cosmetic/bath product bottles in our bathroom that will forever remind us of the glory that was Big Lots.


If you're wondering what retail icon could go next, the rumor mill has recently been in overdrive about closure of the remaining Game Stops. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Special: Billy Jackson Named New Sheffield Judge


Florence attorney and former Lauderdale County circuit judge William K. (Billy) Jackson has been named the new Sheffield Municipal Court judge. Jackson will take office on January 1st.

The Florence resident was confirmed by the Sheffield City Council, with one dissenting vote. Councilwoman Randa Hovater stated she favored someone who lived and paid taxes in Sheffield. The current City judge is also a resident of Florence.

About Those Most Wanted...


Photo from The Onion

Over the years, we've received several communications from readers who believe they've spotted someone wanted in the Shoals. We've always advised them to contact the appropriate law enforcement office. A few months ago, we decided to publish wanted posters from local and national agencies in hopes that at least a few walkabout felons could be apprehended. 

Some readers informed us that one or two of these individuals were now deceased, but the oddest comment has come from a long-time reader who is often critical of our blog. She has asserted several times that we have omitted White felons, while posting Latinos almost exclusively. Have we?

Unless we knew a wanted individual was deceased or had been apprehended, we omitted no one. Are there more Latinos on the Most Wanted Lists? Yes in some cases; however, since we have nothing to do with composing these censuses, we can't comprehend how we are in anyway to blame.

Here's a rundown of the ethnic/racial makeup of the lists we published:

Colbert County: 

White - 3

Black - 6

Latin - 0

Franklin County:

White - 3

Black - 0

Latin - 2

Marion County:

White - 10

Black - 2

Latin - 0

Tishomingo County:

White - 0

Black - 0

Latin - 2

City of Russellville (only those with photos):

White - 8

Black - 0

Latin - 3

State of Alabama:

White - 3

Black - 0

Latin - 3

State of Mississippi:

White - 1

Black - 2

Latin - 0

State of Tennessee:

White - 2

Black - 3

Latin - 4

Asian - 1


White - 2

Black - 1

Latin - 6

Indian - 1

US Marshals:

White - 5

Black - 6

Latin - 2

The State of Tennessee and the FBI both have an inordinate number of Latins considering the population makeup. Why? We can only speculate, but it's easier for a Latino to return to south of the border than it is for a citizen to disappear completely. Thus, Latins are not captured in large numbers and remain on the list.


We've begun publishing posters of missing Alabama children, and those are numerous. Who knows...keep your eyes open and you might reunite a family.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

David Howard "Cackled"

Sadly, we never hear anything good about elected boards of education. Complaints against the Lauderdale body are both numerous and frequent. We also hear much more infrequent worries about the Florence City Board. This week we've been made aware of the board president's odd behavior concerning complaints from Harlan Elementary teachers. He "cackled." 

Attorney David Howard is the president of the Florence BOE. Surely a lawyer is able to keep a straight face. Does he just not care?

We've previously mentioned area council and commission members who never acknowledge e-mails or phone calls. Our take has always been that they could at least pretend to be interested in the problems of the citizens. Similarly, if the Florence BOE president can't at least pretend to be an advocate for the system's teachers, maybe it's time for him to retire.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

An Unexpected Critique on Spring Park/Tatum Design Strikes Again


The City of Tuscumbia has financial problems, yet is the town spending its available tax revenue wisely? It certainly isn't spending it on Spring Park. A member of the Robbins family recently posted this on Facebook:


A company called Belterra Partners is seeking rezoning to build a retail facility near Walmart on Cloverdale Road. In looking at information on the business partially based in Birmingham, we found their web profile and logo.

Ah, yes, their logo! If you think it's lacking, consider this: It was created by Tatum Design, that infamous company which gave us F!rence...

Monday, December 16, 2024

Teach Larry Stutts to Count...or Read...or Something


Republicans in the state legislature have published their agenda for the February session. There's good, and there's dog whistles. Illegal immigration is one hot topic, but according to Sen. Larry Stutts it's much worse than anyone thought.

Per 1819 News' account of the recent Shoals Republican meeting:

Stutts concluded the discussion and saw the solution to the illegal issue as "getting control of the borders." Stutts alleged that many of the millions here in the state of Alabama are not necessarily looking for a better life and have no desire to learn Alabama's values or assimilate.

Millions of illegals? That was news to us. What do actual statistics say? Here's a few numbers to put the illegal immigration problem into perspective:

* Alabama has 183,500 immigrant residents, which is 3.6% of the state's total population.

* Alabama has an estimated 55,400 undocumented immigrants, which is 34% of the state's immigrant population. A second source gives the number at 62,000.

The last time we checked, 55.4K (or 62K) people are no where close to two million. Why are Alabamians so ill-informed? Perhaps because its leaders are...

Sunday, December 15, 2024

EVs in the New Parking Garage?


The old and new Florence parking decks have produced endless discussions. We've only now learned of an important argument that has been taking place, one that may be already settled. The question: Is the current City policy the correct one?

Electric vehicles are not allowed in some decks. Why?

Electric vehicles (EVs) can potentially set parking decks on fire due to the risk of their lithium-ion batteries experiencing "thermal runaway" in certain situations, which can lead to intense heat generation, rapid fire spread, and difficult-to-extinguish fires, especially in confined spaces like parking garages; this is a growing concern as more EVs are on the road, and proper fire safety measures are crucial in parking structures to mitigate this risk.

Key points about EV fires in parking decks:
Thermal runaway:
The primary danger is the potential for a battery to overheat and enter a "thermal runaway" state, where it rapidly releases large amounts of heat, causing a fire that can spread quickly to nearby vehicles.

Toxic smoke:
EV battery fires produce highly toxic smoke due to the chemicals involved, posing a significant health hazard.

Difficult to extinguish:
Traditional firefighting methods may not be effective against an EV battery fire, requiring large volumes of water and specialized techniques to cool the battery down.

Confinement issues:
Parking garages are often tightly packed with vehicles, which can accelerate fire spread if an EV catches fire.

Charging station risks:
Faulty charging stations or improper charging practices can also increase the risk of an EV fire in a parking structure.

Yet the powers that be in Florence are currently allowing EVs in the new deck without specialized means to avoid/mitigate these fires. Perhaps it's simply a case of Andy being Andy...

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Steve Stanley Puts Sheffield on a Budget


Sheffield mayor Steve Stanley has, rather belatedly, attempted to cut back on expenses for the City on the Bluff (or is it the Center of the Shoals?). There may have been a financial reason for his seeking to redo contracts with the city judge, attorney, and prosecutor.

While no new contract has as yet been negotiated with the municipal judge, agreements have been reached with the City attorney and prosecutor. We understand that these contracts which begin January 1st are much less lucrative than previous agreements. 

As for the five or six lawsuits against the City, we can't help but speculate if Ben Gardner Jr. will require additional assistance in his defense of the town and its police department. Perhaps Mayor Stanley can initiate a GoFundMe page?