Thursday, March 13, 2025

Still ANOTHER Lawsuit against City of Sheffield (Police)


The Keystone Cops are at it again. If this was not so horrible, it would indeed be laughable. 

On December 30, 2024, KAM was alone at her residence on Oakhill Avenue in Sheffield. At around 6:30 p.m., four City police officers, without knocking, broke down her front door. Upon entering, two of the officers pointed guns at KAM.

After holding KAM at gunpoint while they searched her home, the police finally looked at her identification and determined they were at the wrong house. Bummer.

These officers never produced any warrant to enter or search her or anyone's home. Needless to say, KAM was slightly ticked at the whole situation. Now she's suing the City for:

1. Fourth Amendment Violation

2. Trespass with Insult

3. False Imprisonment

KAM and her attorney Bennett Pugh are asking for a jury trial. We're not sure that Sheffield has enough citizens to compose all the juries that are needed in the next few months. 

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...

Can the City of Sheffield even wait until next Fall for its new mayor? We don't envy Bennett Pugh the job of cleaning up this swamp.

"Don't shoot me. I'm insolent"

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