The first, and so far only, U.S. Hard Rock Reverb Hotel opened in Atlanta in 2020. It was several months behind schedule, but it did manage to open.
The second Reverb was to be in Cotati, California. Developer Ken Molinaro widely proclaimed his new hotel would be a game changer for the town of less than 7,500, but somewhere along the line, things changed. When the hotel opened, it was no longer part of the Hard Rock family, if it ever was. Locals have called the business mediocre. Locals have also fumed that the City of Cotati sold land it owned for the hotel at a fraction of its worth, expecting croissants and getting only cornbread.
The year 2021 also saw a third Reverb announced. It was to be in Tampa, Florida. While nothing has yet been accomplished on this project, Reverb announced late last year that it was developing a second Florida location in Pensacola with groundbreaking in 2026. Reverb has also announced a new development in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a start date similar to its Pensacola project.
Then there's the lovely city of Kalamazoo that deserves better than being jerked around for unscrupulous financial gain. Remember that Reverb planned there since 2021? In August of last year, developers announced that it wasn't going to happen. The good news is there are still plans for a traditional Hard Rock Hotel if the 65 million in financing doesn't fall through. Keep your fingers crossed for our friends in the 'Zoo.
That brings us to Florence. The project, or at least the possibility of the project, was introduced in February of 2024. The owner of the proposed property is Eugene Sak, onetime business partner of Florence council member Jackie Hendrix. The appointed Hendrix refused to recuse himself on the January vote to give tax abatements to Sak, should the hotel become a reality.
How is this project coming along? We can find nothing official online; however, Facebook posters say the old Motel 6 building will be demolished next May. That's three months away. We're looking forward to see if this timetable is accurate.
The bottom line is that, despite various announcements, there's still only one Hard Rock Reverb operating in the United States. Cotati and Kalamazoo were promised one, but have received much less than expected. Tampa, Pensacola, and Scottsdale are allegedly still planned. Where will Florence be on this list one year from now?
(BTW, Florence has never appeared on any official Reverb list as these other locations have.)