Wednesday, February 26, 2025



In a February 2nd blog, and again yesterday, we referred to Eugene Sak as a former partner of Jackie Hendrix, current appointed representative for Florence District Two. While the two were once business associates via Rose Rentals, Mr. Hendrix has informed us, in a very roundabout way, that he and Sak were never partners.

First, we wish to apologize for the error. At no time do we find that the two businessmen were actual partners.

Second, we do wish to point out that, no matter the exact titles (Eugene is listed in archives as a vice president, while Jackie is listed as a manager), the two men still have a previous relationship that should have been revealed, and that Hendrix should have recused himself on the two Sak votes.

Third, we earlier mentioned hearing of our error in a roundabout way. Hendrix chose to send us a message via a friend he encountered. Why? We receive messages through our Shoalanda Speaks and Shoalanda Hutton Facebook accounts. We also have our email address clearly listed on a sidebar to this blog.

We sincerely wish Hendrix had contacted us after our February 2nd blog. We would have immediately corrected the designation and not repeated it. We promise we don't bite, hiss, or least over the Internet.

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