Friday, September 20, 2024

Scuffle or Brawl?


From all reports, good manners and sportsmanship took the night off in local football. What does this say about our area?

The TimesDaily described it as a "scuffle." described it as a brawl. Whatever it was, it shouldn't have happened. The fight reportedly began just after Florence High narrowly defeated Bob Jones of Madison County. We hope both schools address the issue.

Then there was the Sheffield High v. Colbert Heights High game. Sheffield students allegedly railed and cursed at the other team's band and adult supporters. Was there no security present to tell the young thugs to cool it?

If any readers were present at either game, send us your take on the events.


  1. Thugs will be thugs. It's all they know.

  2. Shoalanda, I have found through experience not to believe anything the Times Daily prints as being factual news. There is always "the bright side" spin to cover up the really dark things that actually happen. It is like reading a publication meant to be consumed by preschoolers.

  3. Shocker! I find myself in 100% agreement with 'Commonsense'.
