Friday, May 31, 2024

Tyler Gone, Says Stay Tuned


Florence police chief Ron Tyler has officially told the civil service board to hire his replacement ASAP. He's also listing his occupation on his Facebook profile as "political candidate."

At this point, there seems little doubt that he will run for mayor against Andy Betterton, and (perhaps) Bill Griffin, Jimmy Oliver, and Kaytrina Simmons. Perhaps Andy will have the common sense not to run after his shambolic term in the hot seat. 

We have a year yet...let's see what happens.


We had a Waterloo farmer who yesterday basically came out and said he hated us and he hated the children of Waterloo.

The world is a sick place...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Social Security Pundit Says Tommy Lied


Would our state senator Tommy Tuberville lie to us? We once knew a very wise man who said he wouldn't come out and say a member of a small Lauderdale town council had lied, but he was a politician...and all politicians lie. Nowhere is this more true than with our Tommy.

From Breton Smith of the Heartland Institute: 

For its part, the Social Security Administration produces clear documentation debunking the notion that the money was used to pay for other government priorities. The agency’s reports show that every penny of the FICA tax ever collected from Americans has been distributed to eligible retirees.Any member of Congress who doubts that information has a duty to step-up and call for an investigation.

There's more in Smith's rebuttal of Tuberville, but the above paragraph pretty much sums up Tommy's big lie.

So Tuberville's been called a liar. Some veterans' groups have called him a thief. And his first wife? You guessed it - adulterer. 

Wonder if that congregation in Auburn that Tommy attends when he's "home" practices disfellowship?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Allen Caddell Must Really Love to Hurt Children


Allen Caddell is currently serving as the interim mayor of Waterloo. He's also someone who seemingly likes to hurt children. In other words, he may not be a sexual predator, but he's certainly perverted enough to have to exercise control over and diminish the lives of children who never caused him any pain. What do you call someone like that? 

You may remember that several months ago, Caddell closed the small town's free library. At that time, he also removed "Loo," a rock snake that children who used the facility had contributed to.

Here's a picture of Loo at the height of his career:

Each rock was painted by a child who cared, by a little one who put his all into it (maybe with a little help from his mom). The mayor in all his glorious vindictiveness took Loo apart. We had assumed that Loo had finally been moved to the town's new library. We were wrong.

Caddell couldn't refuse an opportunity to hurt the town's children. Why is he so bitter?

Let's take a closer look at him:

1. Flea infested bird's nest on his head. Where did he order that? Temu?

2. Beady eyes that appear to glow green in the dark.

3. Long crooked nose that looks good only on Halloween.

4. Sagging double chin that even a mother couldn't love.

Do those descriptions sound harsh? Think about what he took from the children of Waterloo. 

Oh, here's his latest photo:

Alabama Legislators, This is What Rape Looks Like


Alabama legislators don't support rape victims. We assume it's because they're like a certain Lauderdale County resident who once said he knew it existed, but he didn't want to have to look at the results. Nice guy, huh?

The two victims we're posting about today are from California, but they could just as easily have been from Alabama. On the night of April 6th, a woman who had just moved to Venice Beach that day was beaten and raped as she stepped outside to look at the scenery by the canals. We aren't going to picture her wounds since, after six weeks in a coma, she died.

After the homeless alcoholic raped and beat his now deceased victim at around 9:30 p.m., he attacked a second victim at 10:30. Her name is Mary Klein, and she's the woman whose photos we're posting.

Mary is 54 and was employed as a caregiver for an elderly woman with ALS. On the night of April 6th, she finished her shift at 10:00 and began to walk home to the small apartment she shared with her cat.

Legislators, please note that Ms. Klein wasn't coming back from a club wearing scant clothing. She was returning from her JOB, doing all that she could to be a good citizen. Just thirty minutes after she finished her shift, her life changed forever.

If you look at the left side of this photo on the screen, you can see the wire physicians used to repair her jaw. Her attacker, who was arrested a week later, was charged with forcible rape, torture, attempted murder, mayhem, sexual penetration by use of force, and sodomy by use of force (he used the empty whiskey bottle he was carrying to penetrate his helpless victim).


Now let's suppose that Ms. Klein was not 54, but 34 or 44. If she had become pregnant, would it in any way have been her fault? Yet she wouldn't have been allowed an induced abortion in this state. 

No, because of her pregnancy and other injuries, Klein wouldn't have been able to return to her job, but apparently the Alabama Legislature doesn't care about that. They "care" enough about Alabamians to say they don't have to take vaccines that could save their life and the lives of others, but they don't care about a woman who has been raped and beaten within an inch of her life.

There's something very wrong in this state, and, make no mistake, God is not pleased with those who make the innocent suffer...

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

All Those Bugattis in the Meal Barrel Line


Someone asked us about those receiving food from the Meal Barrel:

Also this fancy car (photo of large truck) for poverty stricken people; this just happened to be on the live feed. Not taking any side, but there should be some sort of order in giving away food, because there are usually some really nicer cars in that line up.

From Penny Freeman:

We do get a lot of people talking about the cars in the line being very nice. I’ve let these comments pass for many years, honestly because I didn’t see the need to address them. But in light of the attention that we’ve been receiving, and the amazing work that people are doing on a weekly basis, I felt the need to give credit where credit was due. So, the Neighbors Helping Neighbors initiative was formally launched.

What does that mean?

Often neighbors and friends will pick up food for those who need it - not themselves. The photo our reader sent (we chose not to publish it) was a 65K truck. We know someone who picks up food for his sister in such a vehicle.

We have from time to time picked up food in Lauderdale County for a neighbor who lost his part-time job during COVID. We doubt that anyone complained about our ancient Taurus.

You never know who the food is for or what put them in the circumstances that they've found themselves. If anyone is abusing the program, we feel it's better to feed nine affluent families than not to feed someone who truly needs it.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024


Memorial Day is designated for honoring those who fell in service to our country. There's no better way to honor the fallen than to make sure our democracy holds at all times.

Think of those who gave their and on election day when it will be imperative to remember them again.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Steve Stanley Continues to Fail Sheffield Where it Counts


Sheffield Mayor Steve Stanley has previously stated the city couldn't keep up with basic garbage collection. Above is the perfect example of this on a City curb. 

Every home paying utilities should have at least one wheelie bin for garbage/trash! Furthermore, citizens should use them. The above wasn't sent to us by our blogger J. Redmon, but a Sheffeild citizen who's tired of the state of his neighborhood and the lack of basic services.

One strong wind and most of the above trash will be decorating several homes on the street. It's time for Stanley and the council to earn their pay.


Now...recycling. We believe Sheffield has some basic recycling programs. Cardboard boxes like the ones pictured above should go in either an individual or a neighborhood bin. 

If there are no bins, you can purchase a simple box cutter at the DG and use it to break down these boxes to place in the garbage bins. It's not rocket surgery!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Trashing Sheffield Part I


Part one in a series by J. Redmon:

The first photo in this series is of a home in a nice, quiet, (formerly) neat, middle-class neighborhood (17th Ave and 33rd St). The house had been vacant for several years. It took less than two months for the current residents to thoroughly trash it. Sheffield has zoning ordinances against such. Why aren't they being enforced?


Our take? Despite what our reader from out of state thinks, many who live in Sheffield do care about appearances. Perhaps we should play a game like finding hidden objects...

1. Either clothes are drying in the front of the property or no one took them in after a yard sale.

2. At least two games have been set up and left in the front yard.

3. Garbage, bags of it, left outside the bin for stray animals to break in to.

4. An inoperable vehicle sits idly in the front garden, just rusting away.

If Steve Stanley needs something to do, he should clean up Sheffield.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The STINKING LANDFILL and the people behind it


Tuscumbia, Sheffield, and Muscle Shoals have created a stinking mess through their partnership in a 3 way group, SWADA. In 2020, the members of the SWADA (Mayors Bubba Underwood, Mayor Steve Stanley, and Mayor Mike Lockhart) got a BOND ISSUE to operate the landfill.

Within 3 years, upon advice and guidance from Attorney Heflin and chairman Bubba Underwood, Muscle Shoals Mayor Mike Lockhart and Sheffield Mayor Steve Stanley agreed to once again get a SECOND BOND ISSUE of $35 MILLION in October 2023 to pay off the first bond issue, give $60,000 to Tom Heflin for his legal advice along with $75,000 to a new attorney brought on board a few months prior to the bond issue, and finally pay off a LINE OF CREDIT of over 3 MILLION DOLLARS. After the palms were greased and cronies were taken care of, Bubba Underwood and Tom Heflin resign from SWADA and then enters Tuscumbia Mayor William Foster.

How, in only SEVEN MONTHS is there a need to ADD 3 MILLION MORE DOLLARS OF DEBT after a 35 MILLION DOLLAR bond issue in October 2023?

Why is TOM HEFLIN speaking to council members when he is no longer the attorney for SWADA? He was paid for years by SWADA (you and me) plus his $60,000.00 from the 2nd bond issue. HOW MUCH ARE WE (SWADA) PAYING HIM FOR BEING THEIR MOUTHPIECE AGAIN?

BUBBA UNDERWOOD failed to tell the citizens of Muscle Shoals we are responsible for a 35 MILLION dollar bond issue when he boasted about him and Mike Lockhart putting together a 65 MILLION DOLLARS project that would bankrupt our city. What else is he, Heflin, and the 3 mayors hiding? BUBBA UNDERWOOD was chairman of SWADA and signed the 35 MILLION DOLLAR BOND papers but did not divulge that to us, the citizens of Muscle Shoals. What else do we not know???


MS Council - You are going to bankrupt our city. Do you want to be like Tuscumbia and Sheffield? We are better than that. It’s bad enough that our employees are not being paid like promised and work is being contracted out because of broken equipment. The streets are not in too bad of shape – but the trash, broken fences, molded buildings and other issues are adding up quickly with no end in sight and no surplus in your budget.

QUIT SPENDING LIKE DRUNKEN SAILORS – GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER AND REDUCE THE DEBT. If you can’t pay for what you have, you need to go home and let responsible people do the job.

There are 35 MILLION REASONS to VOTE NO (not to count the 30 MILLION DOLLARS in interest on top of that). We are on the hook.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Steve Stanley etal. Refuses to Feed the Hungry


If we were Steve Stanley, and our legacy was going to be bad roads and tossing taxpayer money to a millionaire who wasted it, we would be looking for a way to help the citizens of Sheffield and the surrounding communities during our last year in office. Instead, Stanley seems to be trying to initiate as much human suffering as possible...


From Penny Freeman, head of the Meal Barrel Project:

Poverty in Colbert County is over 9k residents. Lauderdale County: over 12k residents Franklin County: over 5k.

We serve roughly 3,100 families from these counties and surrounding communities, and we’re proud to say we’re trying to put a dent in the food insecurity situation, but the numbers will tell you that there is much more (not less) that needs to be done. 

We will be an immediate food desert without The Meal Barrel Project. Many walkers come to us from the surrounding housing projects; I’m most concerned for them and the disabled people we deliver to. Over 80% of the people we serve are elderly with only social security as their only form of income; more than 25% of that 80% raising grandchildren or great-grandchildren. 

I know I could have sent something short and condensed, but I really want to have the information to draw your own conclusions about whether or not The Meal Barrel Project is necessary in the community. Many say we can simply go somewhere else, and while that may be true, we have had a hard time finding somewhere to go. 

Couple that with the fact that we are located in an area that actually touches Tuscumbia and Sheffield, and is a little over a mile from Muscle Shoals, around 3 miles from Florence, and hopefully it’s easy to see that the community doesn’t need to lose this resource. Also, we are the largest food pantry in the state, and we’re at risk of closing down.


There you have it - that's Steve Stanley's legacy. At this point, we can only assume he's mad at the world...

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Steve Stanley's Revenge


We're not sure why Steve Stanley wanted to be mayor of Sheffield. He had to have known by that time that Inspiration Landing was nothing more than wishful thinking. Yet he fought for the position...then kept silent once he was in office.

The Meal Barrel project is one of the few good things to have happened in Sheffield in recent memory. Why does Stanley want to demolish it? Is he angry at Penny Freeman for almost defeating him?

Stanley has no hope of being reelected. Instead of doing good in his last year in office, he seems to want to do evil.

Not familiar with the Meal Barrel? We'll have an up close look tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Viva Las Seven-Points


The 05/21/24 meeting of the Florence city council was very laid back. It needed to be after the fireworks at the last meeting. There was nothing controversial on the agenda. No plagues or multi-million-dollar projects. It seemed almost dull compared to what was the usual agenda items and mood of the audience in attendance at the meetings.

The one item this reporter found of interest was a public hearing for a resolution that was to be established called the Florence Tourism Improvement District. This would be a board which levied a 4% fee on all participating members. Members were to be lodging facilities with 40 rooms or more. The money collected would promote tourism in the city of Florence.

A spokesperson named “Tiffany” (No last name given) addressed the council on behalf of those interested in forming the district. She stated there had been 100% participation and approval of all lodging facilities in the area which met the criteria. The first question she got from the council was from Bill Griffin. He asked if this 4% “fee” paid by each participating facility would be affecting any taxpayer in Florence. “Tiffany” stated that only if a Florence resident rented a room at a local hotel would they be subject to be out any extra money for a higher rate due to the “fee”. Something to keep in mind though for those who have “3rd rate romances” locally with “afternoon delights”. Better take a few more dollars with you! 

Since it was promoting “tourism” Jimmy Oliver seemed to think this was the best idea since sliced bread! He waxed on how this would help to create new festivals and events for those all-important “tourist” dollars. Let’s hope it does! Given 9-million-dollar projects here and 2-million-dollar pledges there, it is going to take a lot to make back the taxpayer money this council has already spent chasing the almighty and much heralded “tourist” dollar! The council unanimously approved the resolution.

I thought of two things. One, what about the Florence-Lauderdale tourism board? Were they not doing enough? Was Rob Carnegie getting a recording contract nobody knew about? Was he entering a Mr. Olympia contest? Was it not in the fiscal budget to contribute taxpayer money to the board this year? And two, were we now going to try being a tourist destination? It seems like the “retirement” community idea failed. At one time, Dick Jordan touted the building of the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail as being “this area’s Mercedes”. This was right after Tuscaloosa had received the news, they were getting a Mercedes plant. How many high paying desk clerk and janitor jobs are currently at the Marriott, Dick? So now it is obvious this council has jumped on the tourism train. 

It seems with all the new plans, from pickleball at Veterans Park to campgrounds at McFarland Park, they are shoveling taxpayer money into the engine at a feverish pitch. Will this area become a destination spot? Tourists come and go but those of us who live here need to be able to make enough to pay the bills. Other than fishing and golf, it seems made up festivals and a few points of interest are really all the tourism that this area offers. We are not Disneyland and we sure ain’t Las Vegas! Some of us would rather keep it that way. And our taxpayer dollars!

Monday, May 20, 2024

A Muscle Shoals Citizen Blasts 65 Million Project


I often think of the old time traveling medicinal street peddlers when politicians begin to spin their yarns on how they will spend our money.

In pondering over this latest scheme of Mike Lockhard and his great announcement, one has to wonder if he understands finance and budgets at the very least. At least his wife taught small children and should be able to add and subtract.

Can Add & Subtract

We do give Lockhard credit for running a janitorial group at Keller Hospital and are sure he kept clean floors and closets, but quite frankly, he sucks as an elected official.

Not only did he immediately go against the voters loud voice when voting down a tax increase to give the school system’s more money for their bloated budget, but he is systematically cutting the hard working employee’s pay and benefits.

One writer talked about a $2000 amount they currently have. That was kind of that person to give him credit for projecting a $2000 surplus at the end of the budget year in October. However, the real projected figure is $1,175.00.

Let’s break that down real simple. Your household income and expenses only leave you $1,175.00 A YEAR for splurging on vacations and pleasures. What kind of special idiot thinks a bank would loan them $6 million - or heaven forbid, $65 million. In Mr. Lockhard’s great reveal, he vehemently stated the $65 million dollars WOULD NOT AFFECT THE BUDGET – he must have been asleep in the finance and budget classes on those fancy trips we paid for him and his wife.

Perhaps the police can tell you about the budget cuts - over $100,000.00 in overtime this year, and there are many other cuts made by the City Clerk Mrs. Walters. She had to do something to get a whopping $1,175.00 surplus at the end of this year after all her wild spending on frivolous things and her new $65,000.00 vehicle.

Folks, You’re worried about what a $65 million dollars debt will do to your pocketbooks, value of your home, and this city - WELL GUESS WHAT - that is only the principal -

THE TOTAL DEBT (calculated at a low amount of 4%) = interest $47,768,693.31 – 30 years!!!!


Mr. Lockhard stated that Bubba Underwood has been working with him for 3 years on this scam - just like Bubba did as he helped Ian Sanford with Inspiration Landing and gave Tuscumbia taxpayer’s money to fund a study for that boondoggle. Bubba’s style of accounting results in lawsuits and his losing clients. Exactly what does Bubba have to gain, while mayor of Tuscumbia advising Lockhard - unless the whole scheme is to bankrupt Muscle Shoals but first putting kickbacks in his and his cronies pockets. (More to come on that theory.)

With a yearly surplus of $1,175.00, SOMEONE on MSC City Council needs to grow a set and SPEAK OUT FOR THE CITIZENS.

VOTE 2025. Get the cronies and clowns out of there.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Revenge x Three


In Florence, we have Andy Betterton determined to make animal services suffer because most animal advocates campaigned on behalf of Mayor Steve Holt. Unlike some, he couldn't wait to serve his revenge cold. 

In Colbert County, we have school superintendent Chris Hand terminating the husband of his last opponent just as the super is about to exit the education stage.

In Sheffield, we have Steve Stanley ending the lease of a benevolent project headed by his opponent in the last mayoral election, one who came extremely close to defeating him.

All three actions have hurt many people, but it's the closure of the Meal Barrel Program which has done damage to the most. We'll be taking a closer look at the situation tomorrow.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Inspiration Landing 2.0


A Muscle Shoals resident tells us what he really thinks:

Inspiration Landing 2.0 - The Muscle Shoals Version

Muscle Shoals City Council - What ARE you thinking ?    You are proposing a 65 MILLION Dollar Project at a time of Rampant Inflation around the World, when people are struggling to put Overpriced Food on their table and you Yahoos are apparently oblivious to it all !   Don't you currently have around $2,000. in your City Coffers ?  Who are you pandering to with this 'Thing' ?   It sure as heck isn't being done for the 'Good' of the Citizens.  They deserve better.

How are you going to pay for this 'Boondoggle' ?   Float a Bond ?  In other words, Borrow, then Borrow some more.  And then, you say "The Retail facilities" that you'll build will pay the Loans.  Have you looked around lately ?  Retail throughout this country is Crashing - Everywhere !  Major 'Anchor' Stores and entire Malls are closing with many more to follow.  Are you so insulated that all of you City Bureaucrats are unaware of the Real World out there ?   

I find it almost funny that, after decades of Ignoring the rich Music History of the Muscle Shoals 'Sound' to the World, you NOW choose to highlight it by proposing a 1000 person arena.  What's that  'Thing'  behind City Hall .....wasn't that supposed to be a Music Amphitheater ?   A Venue that was Over-budget  (you took a chunk of money from the City Library Funds to finish it), Delayed, built with Inadequate Parking, no Bathrooms Facilities, no Food Concession Booths and a Noise Annoyance to Neighborhoods nearby.  Your judgement is a joke - A Bad Joke !! 

If the Muscle Shoals City Council continues to pursue this whole Farcical Project, you will bring about several things .... You will break the City financially, ultimately causing State and/or Federal intervention, you will forever win the Disgust of every Citizen, you will gain attention throughout the World as an Ignorant  'Backwater City' out-of-touch with Reality and lastly, but most importantly will Tax the Citizens to a point where many will prefer to leave altogether and forever. 

Muscle Shoals Citizens .....Unless you stand up to these Fools you voted for, and tell them "No", you will allow them to run over your Best Interests and your Future.  A city this size CANNOT survive the Ego-driven Dreams of Fools.  Wake Up !!  Go to their meetings - Tell them  "NO" before they ruin Muscle Shoals .....for good this time. 

Video of the Wimpy Mayor's announcement:     City of Muscle Shoals announces $65 million sports, entertainment facility  

Friday, May 17, 2024

How an Outsider Sees Sheffield


Was there ever a chance that anything positive would arise from Inspiration Landing? John Elkington once had to ask the town of Sheffield to clean up its trash. How about others who have visited the City on the Bluff?

Here's a comment from a reader now residing in a large state with what we here in Alabama would call a booming economy:

I don’t care if some tiny town leaves garbage out on the streets, because NO ONE is going to move into that space anyway. If there is a house for sale, then the Realtor can rent a commercial dumpster and probably will have to clean out the filthy house and then go to work on the grounds, and finally get the street cleaned up before they can lease or sell the house. It just stands to reason with most of Sheffield, and parts of ALL the other Quad Cities housing.

Not all our readers agree on what the central role of city government is. If sanitation is one of the foundations, then Sheffield is failing...

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sheffield's Obligations Not Kept


Someone has asked why the outdoor Sheffield pool is closed again this year. Unfortunately, from statements made by the city's recreation director, we may infer it will never reopen. 

If you have strong opinions on the replacement choice of skateboard park, dog park, or splash pad, now is the time to express them to city hall. Or is it; will any decisions be made before the 2025 municipal elections?

One reason for the closing seems to be that revenue from the pool would take decades to pay for any needed repairs. Is that the way the city should look at it? Does the the small town owe its citizens an outdoor pool?

What are the basic responsibilities of a small town? According to most sources, these are the must-haves of small town government:

Police Protection

Fire Protection


Good roads

How is Sheffield doing in these four areas? The only one we haven't heard widely criticized is fire protection. 

Send your comments to us, and we'll publish them anonymously.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

If John Wahl Lies about One Thing...


The story:

A woman runs a stop sign for whatever reason.

A man who had the right-of-way taps his horn and flashes his lights.

Both vehicles then continue to the same parking lot.

The woman who ran the stop sign then curses the wife of the other driver and pulls her shirt as she stood outside her vehicle.

The wife then punches the first woman.

Both women call authorities.

Never at any time was Trump's name or the name of any political candidate ever mentioned.

The above account comes from Athens law enforcement. It's dramatically different from John Wahl's. One is lying, but which one?

If John Wahl, a butterfly farmer who thinks you're making fun of him and his family when you mention the term Anabaptist, would lie about one thing to get some press, what else would he lie about?

And the four people involved in the Athens altercation? We're pretty sure no one is ever going to invite any of them to high tea.


Wondering what an Anabaptist is? According to one source, Anabaptists are divided into three groups - Amish, Mennonite, and Hutterite.

Introducing Wild Willie's Latest - Flea Spray!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Alabama Boys Can Still Hold the Banana


Years ago we had a highly amused friend whose son has been chosen by the teacher to hold the banana in a demonstration of how condoms worked. She wasn't sure if she should laugh or be highly offended.

As for us, we were just glad to hear that these early-teen boys now knew what to do in the (hopefully) .00001% chance that such was needed. Alas, if Rep. Susan Dubose had her way, decades of such classroom training would have ended. Thankfully, the Leeds woman's bill that included scuppering any practical teaching on birth control failed to even make it out of committee for a vote. 

Our take has always been to teach abstinence first and birth control second. This would eliminate at least 90% of the need for induced abortion in this state. But no; our state legislators would never support something so logical.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Time to Question John Wahl


A long-time Republican party worker in Athens has been attacked. John Wahl, the butterfly-breeding Anabaptist who currently leads the state party, says it was because of her political work. Was it?

Athens Police say the attack resulted from road rage after an incident at a Highway 72 intersection. Big difference. 

Along those same lines, a 93 year-old pathologist who argued multiple shooters in the Kennedy assassination has passed away - obviously murdered after 60 years to cover up his theory. Yes, that was a joke.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day 2024


Prayers for all mothers out there.

Don't stop fighting for what's right - Someday your children will thank you and so will society.

All of Us at Shoalanda Speaks

Saturday, May 11, 2024

2023's "Everyone Has Same Value" Bill Now


In 2023, the Alabama Legislature almost unanimously passed legislation that a person with a disability couldn't automatically be denied an organ transplant or similar surgery. The bill basically assured that a disabled person would not be denied access to the list of those waiting for an organ, not that they would be selected by the hospital's committee when an organ was available.

So far, we've not heard of any disabled patients gaining an organ while an able-bodied person lost out and lost his/her life. As we read the bill, it was mainly feel-good legislation and accomplished absolutely nothing.

Snuggled inside the bill was a statement that one Alabama life was not worth more than another. Really? Let's say there's one organ and two matching patients waiting for surgery. One is a man with a large family and an important job with NASA. The other is a man sitting on death row. 

Would it be difficult for you to decide which patient receives the transplant?

Let's assume a second case is a mother who teaches school and volunteers for civic projects. The other match is a woman who will unfortunately die within 18 months from a second medical problem.

Is it difficult to determine the better use of the organ in the above case?

Yet now the families of the inmate and terminally ill patient can possibly sue the hospital which failed to choose their loved one. This is another tangled mess our lawmakers have created. Comments wanted.

But don't think this issue stops here. More to follow...

U.S. Prisoner Given New Heart

Friday, May 10, 2024

No Three Strikes You're Out in Alabama


We were in junior high school the first time we heard that you couldn't marry the same person more than three times in Alabama (and that's been two or three years ago). Over the years, we've heard this statement made often. Where did this idea come from?

We asked an attorney friend about it, and he replied that this was not true - had never been true. We felt that it must be true somewhere, but where?

We finally found the genesis of this misconception. It's been true in Kentucky for years and years. As to why, no one seems to have any idea.

We hope no one tells the Alabama Legislature. They'll think it's a good idea to copy the Kentucky law.

Quadruple Marriage Jeopardy of Kentucky