Monday, August 28, 2017

Bronner Issued Edict in 2015

From a reader:

...the RSA money for Veterans park is history. That money will now be spent for redoing the convention center for a private for profit company. Meanwhile a new ag center is being built at a cost of 40 million dollars. Does this sound like a boondoggle to you?

Perhaps the salient question should be: When is any project in the Shoals not a boondoggle? As for Bronner demanding the two million back, he had previously stated in December 2015 that he wanted some action. At that time, he obviously still expected indoor tennis courts at a cost of around six million, not 31 outdoor courts at a cost of 13.5 million that no sane person would be apt to approve without knowing where the money was to come from.


We've previously asked where Florence city accountant Dan Barger came up with some of his financial ideas concerning the tennis complex project. It occurs to us that since he's announced his retirement, we should be asking just who will replace him? 


Several readers contacted us to let us know Jonathan Mullins, featured in yesterday's blog on animal abuse, is currently awaiting trial for shooting into an occupied building, as well as some lesser charges, in Colbert County. It's a sad fact that the court system in both Franklin and Colbert Counties is backed up for at least a year if not longer. Those out on bail have no incentive to plead until their case comes to trial. Let's hope Mullins can get the mental help our readers have said he needs.

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