Thursday, July 15, 2010

Shoals Family Success Center/John Winston

We were recently contacted, in a very cordial way, by the director of the Shoals Family Success Center, an entity current Circuit Judge Jimmy Sandlin helped establish. The director indicated that the entire 200K grant for informing the public of the state's "food stamp" program would certainly not be going toward salaries only.

Corinne Reese invited us to contact her for more information. We usually run a few days behind in follow up for such invitations, but were impressed by her attitude and seeming dedication to her job. Then we received a second e-mail from an employee of the center. Here's the result of your tax dollars at work, or perhaps we should term it "how in the world did a tax payer funded program hire someone with this attitude and level of education."

Instead of hiding behind a blog, why don't you go to the Center and learn more about what they have no idea where this money is going or how it's allocated. Yet - you misinform people in order to "tintilate". Employees of the Center are grossly underpaid and overworked. You have absolutely no clue how MANY families and children have been helped by that organization. Learn more about your "subject" and be responsible, instead of sitting in judgement and spewing silly tripe about large salaries. Large salaries in a nonprofit organization? Oh please...get a grip and get informed. THEN put out correct information. You're a fool.

Needless to say, we don't think we'll be making that call. Glad to know this employee is so happy with her job...


Also from our mail bag:

Yesterday, Jimmy Sandlin fired John Winston-long time probation officer for the Juvenile Court. John the only minority on the team has handled the kids who misbehaved at home. (the ungovernables) I find it interesting that judge waited until the day after the election. The juvenile court staff do serve at the pleasure of the juvenile court judge.
