Sunday, July 4, 2010

No River City Development for Sheffield

Our December 8, 2008, blog referred to the River City Development in Sheffield as dead in the water. A May 18, 2009, TimesDaily article assured readers the project was still in the works--after a lengthy assessment process that would take approximately one year. Since that time, there have been no official releases from either River City Development or its partner Trophy Golf and Resorts.

After we asked the status of the project in a recent column, an unimpeachable source has announced the project is definitely dead:

The project that you referred to is DOA. Trophy Golf Resorts of North Palm Beach, Florida pulled out of the project several months ago. Evidently there are too many problems with the project, first among them the numerous historical and Native American sites on the property. It was going to cost too much to do a historical site survey, particularly when they knew that there would, in all likelihood, be lots of things found. The property would be too cut up, once these sites were protected, to build out a meaningful project, so they went away. It does not appear that there is any possibility of activity in the foreseeable future.

We're not sure why the TimesDaily has not followed up on this, but perhaps the Decatur owners manage by the "horse may talk" school of journalism.


Trader Evaluates has just posted a new blog. Be sure to read The Miracle Egg. Coming Soon: The Best Chicken Biscuit in the Shoals? It just might not be the one you think...


With the Primary Runoff less than two weeks away, we hope everyone has made plans to vote on July 13th. At this time, we endorse Sherrie Perkins for Lauderdale Board of Education, Place 1.
