Wednesday, April 24, 2024

This is Alabama!


If you can truthfully say you never read The Daily Mail, you're in the minority. Look closely at the three trending stories listed above. All present child abuse in this state. Yes, we know that we have better reporting than at any time in our history, but what produces such criminals?

We have a man who raped and killed a five year-old who was sold to him by her mother. We have grown and married women with college degrees having sex with 14 year-olds. We have a mother who leaves her toddler in her hot car while she dumpster dives, then naps.

DHR is a joke. Many churches are a joke. Even much post-secondary education in this state is a joke.

Just this past week we were told we were a fool to have never moved from the cesspool (their words) that is the Shoals. We may not be able to identify what we need, but we can certainly identify what we don't need:

* Mayors who play Three-Card Monty with our tax money.

* Mayors who take their spite out on animals.

* Legislators who think a pregnant rape victim isn't worth saving.

* Governors who don't want employees to be able to even vote on a union.

* Citizens who keep re-electing these imbeciles.

But it's not all bad:

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