Thursday, September 30, 2021

Florence Sportsplex Unfair?


Over the years we've had various complaints about the Florence Sportsplex. One concerned, believe it or not, placing local kids above money making ventures. We sided with putting local kids first. That should be the city's priority.

Another criticized Andy Betterton's decision to eliminate golf cart shuttle rides from the parking area to the playing fields. This was actually reported to the the ADA, but before that organization acted, Betterton reinstated the service.

Now we've received a complaint about Randy Burns, Athletic Director of Florence Parks & Recreation. The communication actually contains two separate complaints; one we feel is much more valid than the other. We're publishing the criticisms here without further comment:

Would like to see a story on how Randy Burns of Florence Park and Rec, keeps the multi million dollar sportsplex from the citizens of Florence area. Gave the Boys baseball team $7000 to go to the world series but only gave the girls softball team $2000. Maybe because the boys team was coached by Josh Willingham and the girls team wasn't or is it sexism, can we not get gender equality for our little girls? 

That our tax dollars paid for this facility but the tax payers can't us it. They keep it on lock and chain. That Randy Burns said, that's the way it has been and they way its always going to be if I'm here.

Comments or advice from our readers?

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Rogersville Police 'Copter Really Gets Around


We've always heard that in order to pick up women, you need wheels. It would appear that the Rogersville police have found an even better way. As an ex once said: It pays to be a flyboy. 

This particular helicopter looks suspiciously like the one in some of Francisco Guerra's Instagram photos. How many regular or reserve Rogersville officers can pilot one of these whirleybirds? 

Was this a special excursion? Who paid for the fuel to reach this event? Even more important, what if something had gone horribly wrong (yes, even while on the ground)? Would the town of Rogersville have been financially responsible?

If you're a Rogersville taxpayer, you have a right to answers to these questions.

If Fran Can Do it, I Can Too

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Theft at UNA?


You may have heard about the UNA police officer accused of committing felony theft by appropriating two generators from the campus. This made the news; we're guessing because the insurance company wouldn't reimburse the university unless charges were filed.

But what about the theft of things with more intellectual or sentimental value than monetary? We hear it's rampant at UNA, but usually no charges are filed. A teaching assistant steals an old book, an adjunct steals historical papers, even a professor steals a theater prop. Does UNA file charges?

In most cases, if the items are returned, the powers that be simply slap a wrist and ask the offender to behave better the next time. Is this fair to the taxpayers who fund the programs at UNA? We think not.

If you're aware of campus theft, report it to police. If you're uncomfortable with that, contact us, and we'll help you get to the right agency to get it sorted.

Remember: If you report the theft, you're not only helping UNA, you're bringing to light an unsavory element that has no place on the campus.

Monday, September 27, 2021

No Punishment for Would-Be Deshler Shooter?


She's in high school. She's certainly old enough to know better. Wait...her mother is a teacher. Now parents want to know exactly what punishment will be meted out to this young woman for disrupting classes, intimidating students, and misusing law enforcement resources. 

A Deshler parent writes:

Parents at Deshler High School are wanting an update on why the girl that wrote the threat on the bathroom wall has not been expelled or arrested. Is it because her mother is a teacher...and had lots of pull?
Why won't the principal, superintendent or police chief give an update on why nothing has been done?
The entire high school campus was totally shut down last Thursday over a threat written in the girls' restroom. I'll attach a copy of it. 
The following day the campus was a ghost town because of the threat.
This is being kept super quiet & quite a few parents want to know why.

While we don't know what has gone on behind the scenes, this lack of public action does not make parents feel secure. Years ago, a teacher's son called in a bomb threat to a local junior high school. He was promptly expelled. How is this any different except for the school system?

To be continued...

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sheffield Has a (Fill in the Blank) Problem


All cities have problems, but Sheffield seems to have more than its fair share. Potholes? Check! Mold? Check! Mythical businesses at Inspiration Landing? Big Check!

A reader writes:

Isn't it odd that these signs are still out there?

Who is tending to the details? Sheffield Mayor, Sheffield Utilities Manager (if not on vacation), Sheffield City Council?

Where is Elkington and when is he bringing the hotel, brewery, Wintzell's, and the town center and amphitheater he said were under signed contract to come to Inspiration Landing?

What is the position of the Mayor and Sheffield City Council on Inspiration Landing? They should offer comments.

Taxpayers are on the hook for this debacle. Re-elect NO ONE in Sheffield. New Utilities manager would be a good start too.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Fall of Francisco Javier Guerra - Part II


Many called Fran Guerra "the Snowman" or "Mr. Snow." It was, after all, his artificial snow machine that put him on the map. The TimesDaily is calling him "Mr. Torres," seemingly not understanding family name protocol in Latin countries. Yet his associates say he was nothing if not Anglicized in his attempts to get ahead in business.

After his snow machine, other inventions followed, along with a long chain of marriages. Enemies and detractors also came with the lifestyle. We asked a highly placed citizen from Eastern Lauderdale County to give an objective opinion. This is what we received:

...always acting like he had SO much money and SO many businesses and had all this power. But not one single time have I ever witnessed him contributing any of those riches to help the school, the town, the fire dept, the senior citizens, the band, or any civic group.....NEVER!!! Not one thing. He always talked like I should know where he has been and all the magical things he has been doing. The only thing I ever heard of him doing is marrying one girl after the next and it lasting 3-6 months and boom, they are divorced. I think he has been married at least 6 times, maybe 7. Hello, red flag anyone?? 

He has always drawn red flags around everyone that I know of that he has approached about doing business. He is a fast talker, always trying to get you to agree with whatever he is saying and buy into his ideas. But whenever outside of town and his name comes up, the first question people ask is "you don't have anything to do with him, do you?" and they have this frightened look on their face, like....scary man!!!

We all knew there would come a day of reckoning for old Fran, the snowman. We just didn't know that all of these agencies were watching him and evidently been watching for a long long time. There is no way the FBI, the ABI, the Department of Homeland Security. US Marshals, AND the Department of Defense all zeros in on a business in small little Lexington without there being some major issues going on at a very very serious level. To have the US Marshals take your butt to Huntsville to process you for arrest should scare anyone to death. Not big Fran, he denies and claims that it was nothing to worry about....apparently they got the wrong guy. He was set up.

It will be very interesting to follow the legal maneuvering in this case...

Friday, September 24, 2021

The Fall of Francisco Javier Guerra - Part I


Francisco Guerra was born in Cuba in 1968. Now 52, Guerra has lived in this country since he was six years old and is an American citizen. The former refugee is a long time resident of Lauderdale County, having lived in both Anderson and Lexington. He may soon have a new address involving a long personal identification number.

Guerra is the owner of at least eleven companies registered to do business in Florida. It would appear that our local entrepreneur also has a home in West Palm Beach, as well as several bank accounts with highly fluctuating balances. Getting a picture here?

On Thursday, Fran Guerra was served with an arrest warrant involving 39 counts of money laundering. It's also been alleged that there were other warrants served at the same time, but no public announcements. Ostensibly, all 39 charges involved money laundering, a type of racketeering. It seems logical to anticipate the IRS entering the fray with accusations of tax fraud. The word embezzlement has also be batted around.

Guerra was initially processed by federal authorities in Huntsville, but he will soon be required to report to federal court in the Southern District of Florida for an initial hearing. At that time, more details of his alleged crimes should come to light.

While many in Lexington and Rogersville had anticipated Guerra's arrest, others were completely gobsmacked. It seems that Fran, according to his bio, is a reserve police officer in Rogersville. He often flew the city's rescue Cracker Barrel?

Guerra has often made mention of his helicopter and his huge Mercedes SUV, often attributing at least part of his wealth to sales of his life story This Is How You Do It, Kid. His autobiography is his only offering on Amazon or Smashwords. At $12.95 a copy, our local entrepreneur would earn about $4.55 on a single sale. In June 2017, Guerra reported to Facebook fans that he used a month's royalties to purchase a 130K G-Class Merc SUV. Did Guerra actually sell over 29,000 copies of his book in one month, or was this merely a smokescreen to explain his elaborate purchases on his publicly stated salary?

Yet for all his real or pretend wealth, Guerra rarely helped the Lexington community. Tomorrow we'll have part two this story. It's an eye opener...

Thursday, September 23, 2021

An Informed Commentary on Florence-Lauderdale Tourism


Baron Zemo Moves? We Hear Daniel Bruhl Is Suing.

Now, more on big Rob, the highest paid Tourism Director in the State of Alabama. Why is that? Good question because the numbers just do not add up. Last week, tourism expenditures from the North Alabama region were reported for 2020 by the Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association. Out of the 16 counties represented by this association, Lauderdale county ranked 4th in tourism dollars. 

Let's look at the breakdown. Coming in at a strong 1st place is the booming and growing Madison County at $1,220,260,858. That county is lead by Judy Ryals who has been in the tourism industry for 41 years in Madison County. Big Rob, well he has been here 4 or 5 years or so, and makes more money that Ms. Ryals. Moving on, the 2nd highest tourism expenditures in the North Alabama region was Marshall County at 246,932,270. Lauderdale County has far more hotels and attractions than Marshall County and even though Marshall County can brag that they have the famous Lake Guntersville, Lauderdale County has 3 very well known lakes with Wheeler, Wilson and Pickwick all being great fishing, boating and recreational lakes. 3rd place went to Morgan County with $239,128,149 in tourism dollars spent in their county. Why would Morgan County be doing so much better than Lauderdale County?? Because they have a vibrant young director with an incredible educated and tourism minded staff who work their butts off for their county. Decatur Morgan County CVB now has a staff of 7 people working for them. They reach out and bid on archery tournaments, soccer tournaments, TONS of fishing tournaments, pickle ball, corn hole, volleyball, fencing and anything else they feel that would invite visitors into Morgan county and generate tourism. 

How many employees does Florence Lauderdale Tourism have now? Who knows. Maybe its 2 now or perhaps 3. Why??? Now lets look at the numbers from 4th place Lauderdale County, which are $191,023,670. I think it's high time the City of Florence and the Lauderdale County Commission demand some answers from the current board of directors as well as their high paid leader, Canada Rob. I bet if someone showed the old road commissioners how much money they are losing from taxes generated off tourism, they would certainly be mad as hell and make some immediate changes on the board who keeps forking up all the money to give to the tourism director who obviously is NOT doing his job from the looks of the numbers. 

Heck, Colbert County came in at #9 at 71,839,333 and they don't even have a big fancy Marriott hotel or a couple of Hampton Inns or even a Holiday Inn Express and they generated a huge portion of the tourism dollars collected in North Alabama. Why? Because their tourism director works her butt off for her county day and night to generate all the interest and create all the tourism dollars she can. All of these 16 counties work hard for their citizens. They take pride in what they do and they show up and do their best, well except for Canada Rob. But he sings on the weekends and some week nights in a bar in Nashville so....there is that.

Interestingly, we've had several requests for more commentary by Aunt Jane. Sorry, she's not available on a regular basis, but Shoalanda is happy to do a turn with advice to the lovelorn. 

So, you can't find a girl? 

1. Get a decent haircut from a stylist. We have young friends who wear it much too short or much too long and apparently use hedge trimmers for styling. Super fail!

2. Invest in some Bass casual shoes.

3. Take a trip to the thrift store for long-sleeved Oxford shirts and khaki pants. You can also pick up a decent brown belt while you're there.

If this fails, all we can say is that, sadly, it's your personality...

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tuscumbia Schools Thumb Noses at COVID


How to end the pandemic? So far we've learned that lay lawmakers know more than educators, but that educators know more than those with medical degrees. How are local educators handling COVID in their schools? Let's just say it from our armchair - Not well!

From a connected source in Tuscumbia:

This communication has been removed due to the source now fearing retaliation.

How does that sound? Everyone right now say a prayer for these teachers and the families of the ill children. Now let's ask what those sick children were doing in an actual school setting to begin with? Don't you just love some parents?

Please, please tell us why the health of students, teachers, and the general public is sacrificed in a CYA attempt by Tuscumbia school administrators? If these are the ones who are to lead the next generation out into a productive world, we are truly doomed to a future as a Chinese colony...and not even a first rate one at that.

On a positive note, all these newly minted medical practitioners out there give hope for skyrocketing sales of Shoalanda's home lobotomy kit...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Who Has Your Voter Information?


A reader recently offered this comment: 

According to an article on 9/17 in the State of Alabama is selling its voter registration list to Mike Lindell. The list, per Sec. of State John Merrill(till fidelity), is available to anyone with the money to buy it. Per Dirty John we take election security very seriously in this state but if you’re a foreign entity, criminal enterprise, or voter intimidation group, who wants information on our voters just send us a check.

In checking, we've found that each state differs in what information may be either given or sold to the public. Here's Alabama's policy:

It would take a legislative act to change the current policies on voter lists. It's definitely something to consider, but on the flip side, we also need to consider the subject of yesterday's blog - transparency. 

Don't take our opening meme too literally. Our problem isn't controlled elections, but controlled nominations/candidates. You have a free choice, but between/among who or what?

How does this sound?

1/6 office holders care only for their own interests.
2/6 office holders are there just to warm seats and say "yes."
2/6 office holders are doing the best they can, but simply choose to ride out any difficult situation hoping to come through unscathed.
1/6 office holders are refreshingly honest and should be fully supported by the citizenry. 

In case you weren't aware, current municipal terms are for five years, a one off due to changes in election dates. So the Shoals has four more years before it can elect new individuals to important offices. Don't let that deter you from thinking about the future. 

We'd like to see the above percentages change in the public's favor in the new elections...

Monday, September 20, 2021

Florence Open Meeting Project


We're still highly amused that the Florence Historical Preservation Board has been having secret sub-committee meetings. Do they have special decoder rings too?

We also know that in the recent past, the Ag Authority Board has been, shall we say, lax in announcing times and places for both regular and called meetings. These things get better only if the public intervenes.

That brings us to a new Facebook page: Florence, Alabama, Open Meeting Project

We have just joined this group and hope that all citizens who wish for transparency in local government will also give it a look and perhaps even choose a city board to monitor. So far this page has mainly monitored the historical commission, but obviously there may be other boards/commissions which prefer to act in the dark. Light is a good thing!

Now we'll touch a little on this blogging group's naivete. Why is a police officer (paid with our tax dollars?) needed to sit in on a meeting among local historical preservationists? What if he's needed for a pressing emergency at the semi-annual Belk's white sale or to police a tiddlywinks convention? Just what are missing?

Sunday, September 19, 2021

How Not to Look Like a Good Human Being


Want to look like a dirty, rotten scoundrel? Here's a few tips:

* Say all the bad things you can about a man whose job you want.

* When you get the man's job, contact any press you think will listen with tales of what a much better job you're doing.

* Be sure to ridicule any who don't agree with you. It's so mature.

* Tell people you're afraid of detractors and demand police protection from time to time.

* Take photos of any who dare oppose you as they speak with the public, then send out to friends to be published as propaganda.

* Go against any of your previously stated beliefs if you think there's money in it for you.

And how about how to look like a totally imbecilic human being?

* Try to set up a genuinely nice human being whom everyone really likes and who actually cares for his hometown.

We eagerly await how this turns out for Florence's version of Snidely Whiplash.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Should We Respect the Muscle Shoals Police Department?


We have never understood why so many think actual laws on the books, like them or not, are merely suggestions. Drive an ATV, UTV, or golf cart on city streets in Florence or Killen? Prepare to receive a citation with a huge fine attached. Drive one in Muscle Shoals? A reader has a surprising comment:

I thought there was an Alabama law that said you couldn't operate motorized vehicles on streets and highways that were not licensed and registered with DMV?

But then again, we don't want to teach our little darlings to respect the laws - it's obvious there is no reason to respect the MSPD since they turn a blind eye to the entitled ones.

I believe Shoalanda had some interest in golf carts running around in Muscle Shoals. This was parked by two teenage girls probably no more than 13. Walgreens parking lot.

The sad thing is that if these two teens were killed on this cart while on Muscle Shoals city streets, the families who let them drive would blame the MSPD for not enforcing traffic rules. This is far from the first complaint we've had about golf carts mingling in 45 mph traffic in that city. 

Where are the police?

Now a word from our dear friend Aunt Jane:

I'm not sure the person who needs to hear this will be reading, but let's all pray that she is. If you're hurt over something, I'm so very sorry. Hurts can mend; divorces rarely do. Rest assured there's a pathetic rich widow out there sharpening her claws to latch onto your man even as I write this. There always is. Pride is a very cold companion on winter nights. Think about what I've said before you make the mistake of your life...

Friday, September 17, 2021

Florence Historical Commission: Part IV - Putting Lessers in Their Place


Returning to the last meeting of the Florence Historical Preservation Commission, those who listened to the video carefully were met with two rude bombshells. It seems there will be changes/additions to the current preservation standards now in place. These will be considered and approved by the board without public input.

That brings us to David Carson, a constant critic of commission chair Brian W. Murphy. Florence resident Carson makes it a point to attend both FHPC meetings and city council meetings, while offering questions and comments at appropriate times. It was during this August meeting that Carson asked if the public would have a chance to review these guideline changes before they were adopted.

The woman sitting to Murphy's left (name unknown to us) then replied that the public wasn't qualified to offer comments. How to be a Sleazy Politician 101 teaches wanna-be leaders at least to give lip service to citizens/voters/critics. This was a nuclear fail at every level.

Things then went downhill at an alarming rate when it was stated the planning sessions for the guideline changes were private. When Carson asked for the law concerning that policy, a male commission member (whom we believe to be attorney Doug Evans) told Carson to look it up himself. Little man syndrome at its best?

Instead Carson went to the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office to report a violation of the open meetings act. We understand that Chairman Murphy was instructed to follow the law and to keep his commission members on the straight and narrow also. 

Meanwhile back at Florence City Hall, rumor has it that Handy Dandy Andy was oblivious to this brouhaha due to his time consuming efforts to compose a new dress code for upper level male employees. We can't honestly say that it isn't needed...

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Son of an FOB Offers to Save Us from Yoga


* Alabama has taxes on groceries.

* Alabama makes you pay more in vehicle taxes if you drive an environmentally friendly car.

* Alabama bans original Sudafed to protect meth addicts.

* Alabama's lieutenant governor won his office on the platform of not being a "baby killer."

* Alabama's governor just recently proved that she can pander to the low-IQ crowd with the best of them.

* Alabama, for 30 years, banned yoga in its public schools.

Yeah, about that last item...Tim James, an unannounced candidate for governor, wants to bring back that ban. No matter that any public school teacher who's overheard to say "Namaste" is subject to firing, we don't want any limber kids in our midst either. 

Many years ago, a local county school gym teacher decided to add music to calisthenics. The idea didn't last long; parents objected that this was akin to dancing in schools and must be nipped in the out-of-rhythm bud.

In 2021, we can be sure that, no matter how many of our citizens are dying each day from COVID or how many of our littlest ones can't get on any Medicaid programs, we at least have a champion to protect us from yoga.

Namaste, y'all!

Art by Byron Wilkes

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Florence Historical Commission: Part III - The Usual Suspects


Several have asked just who comprise the Florence Historical Preservation Commission. They are:

Rod Whatley

Doug Evans

Jim Hillis

Scott Lovelace

Kayla Sloan

Katie Randall

Jen Kennedy

Deborah Stubblefield

Billy Ray Warren - City Historian

Brian W. Murphy - Chair

The appointed commission meets monthly at the Indian Mound Museum on South Court Street. The next gathering will be September 21st at 5:00 p.m.

It was August's meeting that provided some interesting surprises. Today we'll address just one of them. Either Mr. Warren or Brian Murphy will be meeting...or attempting to meet...with Susan Smithson. Ms. Smithson is the Atlanta businesswoman who is in charge of the Sweetwater Plantation trust.

At last reports, the old manor house was still for sale for nine million dollars. The home has been on the market for around a decade with no serious lookers that we know of. The last mentioned caretaker was Robert Simone, the owner of Ghost Hunters of Southern Territories in Muscle Shoals.

By all accounts, the property is quite rundown, and Mr. Warren would like the old home added to Alabama Places in Peril. This is certainly a good idea; however, it was unclear to us if Mr. Warren or Mr. Murphy would be approaching Smithson. We don't envy either one the task.

However, having a sense of humor, we do hope it's Murphy. That should go well.

He walked down the alley with his short sleeves on. (Apologies to John Prine.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Florence Historical Commission: Part II - Taking Care of Friends?


When we hear of historical preservation, we usually think of maintaining appropriate house colors or banning Art Deco fountains in the front garden of Victorian homes. Yet, it can be much more than that.

We've been presented with two theories concerning recent events with historic districts in Florence. One involves the historical preservation commission's close ties to two local banks. Is making restoration/repairs/improvements as expensive as possible a means of padding the pockets of local bankers? While we hadn't considered that before, it is an interesting theory.

The second scenario concerns Beverly Avenue in the newly minted McFarland district. Looking at the topmost map above, you can see that only one lot on Beverly is part of the historic district. Looking at the second map, you can see that this lot is the only area to the east of Beverly with an edifice. So, it makes sense that this is the only parcel to be included?

Perhaps, but we have to ask about the two lots to the south. What will they be exempt from? Will zoning automatically prevent Al's Bait World from building there?

Or perhaps the one lot's inclusion was simply to prevent the widening of Beverly Avenue? Many have asked why a new College Street outlet to Coffee Road is necessary as long as Beverly fills the need?

We support the College Street widening and new bridge. What we don't support is lining the pockets of the owners of property at this geographic junction or forcing current West Florence residents to give up their homes...unless they want to.

No, we're not sure that Beverly would make a good shortcut to any new West Florence business district, but there are better ways of preventing this than gerrymandering historical districts. Further, if Coffee Road/College Street does become the next "big thing" for the city, everyone needs to look at which property owners benefit.

When in Doubt, Ask the Dude...

Monday, September 13, 2021

Tourism Pundit Nigel Knorr on "Canada Rob"


We'll continue with our series on the Florence Historical Commission later this week. Today we have the first of two expected commentaries on Lauderdale Tourism director Rob Carnegie and his 13% cost of living raise.

We are all disgusted with the fact that Canada Rob keeps sucking the tourism world dry of funding due to getting ridiculous undeserved pay raises and by also NOT producing any higher tourism dollars for Florence and Lauderdale County to warrant such an extreme raise. I think it's time we start focusing on the root of the problem which appears to be the Florence Lauderdale Tourism Board. These folks must be deranged to keep giving this guy all this money. 

He is now the highest paid tourism director in the entire state of Alabama!!!! It's time to abolish the board. The City of Florence and the Lauderdale County Commission appoint these board members, so lets focus on why these particular board members were chosen to be on this extremely important board and why there is obviously ZERO accountability for their actions. Keep in mind that the City of Florence and Lauderdale County both are the funding mechanism behind the tourism office. 

Ask yourself this question: Have you seen big events that bring in tourists in your area of the City of Florence? And we all know you certainly have not seen big events out in the county, because Canada Rob would not even know which direction to get to Rogersville or Waterloo or anywhere in between. I heard he knows how to get to the gym to workout during his “lunch break.” Do you go to the gym on your lunch break? Do you drive a company car and use your company credit card to buy gas for that company car to drive to Nashville every weekend trying to get someone to listen to your “new song” or to play guitar? The answer to all these questions is NO because you would get fired for these offenses. 

Canada Rob is rewarded for these actions and more because the Florence Lauderdale Tourism BOARD doesn’t care nor do they hold him accountable for these actions. Hey, DICK JORDAN and DANNY PETTUS: Wake up and stop funding this fiasco. Get rid of this ridiculous board and Canada Rob too. Make Tourism Great Again!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Florence Historical Commission: Part I - The Ten Historic Districts


Introduction: Florence has had historical zoning for many years. Until recently, any controversy over city rules of "dos and don'ts" has been minimal. The past few months have brought changes in both the name and the outreach (or is that overreach?) of this board. We'll be addressing these issues in our next few blogs.

The City of Florence currently has ten historical districts, or one for every 4,000 citizens, although these districts lie mainly in a concentrated area surrounding the downtown. They are:

Cherry Street

College Place

Downtown (Which appears to include the old firehouse on Pine Street.)

Locust Street

McFarland Heights (Thinking ahead to the College Street Bridge/Development?)



Walnut Street

Wilson Park Houses

Wood Avenue

Over the past year to 18 months, controversy has surrounded the Florence Historical Board, much of which was due to its controversial chair, Brian W. Murphy. Several of the old board's harshest critics attempted to have Murphy ousted, but with little success. Then the Florence City Council announced the end to the board. What did that mean?

The board was renamed the Florence Historical Preservation Commission, with the same members. In fact, at the first meeting, there was no election of a new head; Brian Murphy simply took his place as chair with no fanfare, much to the chagrin of his critics.

Why is Murphy so generally disliked? We love the answer that he's a Yankee. Sorry, that's absolutely no real reason at all. One critic mentioned the fact that he has picketed city hall, the very institution that employees him as a museum director. Aha! Now that's an intriguing reason. How many of us could picket our employer and still have a job? Then there is the fact that Murphy has been photographed impersonating (ridiculing?) at least one Florence citizen. We're told that he calls it performance art. Insert your own jokes here.

By the end of July, the new commission had published a 62 page manifesto on what is and what isn't allowed in the city's ten historical districts. You may read it here:

Design Review Guidelines

While we haven't scrutinized the entire document, we see good and bad in it. We wish these rules had been in place when many of the historic downtown storefronts were being remuddled in the 60s/70s. As for the bad, please explain the rationale of not being able to replace chain-link fencing in the back yards of historic homes, especially next to an alleyway. Afraid of offending the city's trash collectors?

Now comes the interesting part: property owners seeking permissions. How is this handled? Get ready for a bumpy ride as we continue tomorrow...

Florence's Historical Preservation Guru

Are You Just a Facebook Follower?


Next month our blog will be 13 years old. We currently have 11,758 "Follows" and 11,288 "Likes."

If you're one of the 470 Follows who hasn't liked our page (assuming you do like our blog), please take a second to check "Like" on our profile!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Flag: Sheffield & Other Lessers


The United States has a flag code. This group of rules is not legally enforceable; however, it's rare that governments break with the code. Unfortunately, irate or just plain ignorant citizens often do so. Again, this is not illegal, and private individuals are overlooked for their behavior.

Today is Patriots Day. Not only President Biden, but Governor Ivey also, ordered all flags on public property to be flown at half-staff. Apparently the City of Sheffield missed that literal memo, or merely didn't care enough to follow it.

This is Sheffield, home to Inspiration Landing, a development with more boards than a dance hall floor. Can't it be troubled to perform this simple task? Pardon the cliche', but this omission speaks volumes about the city.

That brings us to complaints of locals flying their flags upside down. Again, this is in poor taste, but not illegal.

Just FYI, a federal employee whose job requires a COVID vaccination is not in extreme danger. If any employee has problems with the shot, he/she can work elsewhere; it's not that difficult to understand.

Friday, September 10, 2021

A 13% COLA for Public Employee?


Rob Carnegie Doing His Helmut Zemo Impersonation

We're sure Cost of Living Allowances (Raises) vary from business to business. If you drew Social Security in 2020, your raise this year was 1.3%. If you're Rob Carnegie, employee of the Florence-Lauderdale Tourism organization, you just received a 13% raise. Don't envy Rob too much; he has to make do with that meager 13% for the next three years.

We've already received notice that at least two individuals will be sending an editorial on Carnegie's economic windfall. We'll have these editorials published shortly.

Speaking of feedback, we've had quite a bit concerning Mayor Kerry Underwood's plan to close the Spring Creek Golf Course. In a recent meeting, Underwood mentioned the course's four full-time employees. According to everyone else, the facility has only two. 

Did Mayor Underwood simply misspeak or did he think no one would notice the error? We're still waiting on a few announcements concerning political newcomers who wish to take on Underwood in the next legislative race. We trust you have your popcorn ready?