Saturday, April 4, 2020

Let's Solve the Vent Problem, Not Go to War over It

If you've read this site for any length of time, you know how we feel about the state wasting money on passing and defending anti-abortion laws that will never stand up in court. Our position has always been to take that money and use it to provide better sex and contraceptive education. The induced abortion rate should decline appreciably each year for the next two decades. 

Now, let's turn toward ventilators. There aren't enough, and we've recently seen many who are demanding their family member comes first no matter what. Without commenting on the mental stability of these individuals, isn't it more productive to secure more vents in some realistic manner? No bloodshed required.

Obviously nothing is going to be done overnight, but something can be done in a matter of weeks if our government gets involved in the right way. Here's one of the most hopeful articles we've read on this subject:

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