Thursday, May 23, 2019

Let's Send Looney Mooney Packing

Few people outside the Birmingham metro area had ever heard of Arnold Mooney until he recently announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate. Running as a Republican, state representative Mooney from Mt. Brook will compete for the nomination against Bradley Byrne and Tommy Tuberville. If the primary were held today, our vote would go to Mr. Tuberville. Byrne would be a remote second, and Mooney...well, let's not violate our own language policy here.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand that representatives to our state legislature are elected to represent...and legislate. We don't live in the Mr. Brook area, but are still pretty sure that the citizens of that community want someone to look after their interests, not his own, while serving in Montgomery.

Three weeks after Rep. John Rogers made his ill-chosen remarks about induced abortion, Looney finally had a chance while debating another bill to make his move. He began to read a letter chastising Rogers. House Speaker Mac McCutcheon quickly cut Looney Mooney off, but not before the public had seen Mooney's true character. After all, why should Mooney have even an inkling that he was there to work for the citizens of Shelby County and not to glorify himself?

Rep. Mooney has promised to "keep continuing" if he should be sent to Washington. Let's hand him a grammar text and let him "keep continuing" at his family home in Mt. Brook, shall we?

Looking for Someone to Follow in the Footsteps of Roy Moore? I'm Your Man! I Promise Never to Insert a Foot in my Mouth when I Can Insert Both Feet...

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