Sunday, October 7, 2018

Words You CAN'T Say on Facebook

We appreciate all comments...well, 99% of them. Our Facebook filter is set to its highest level; that means if you use certain words, someone here has to manually look at the comment to approve it. We do not control which words Facebook finds offensive, and recently a regular reader was not allowed to use the word "slut" until we approved it.

We highly discourage offensive language and reserve the right to ban anyone who comments using such. Think of our Facebook page, or anyone's FB page, as a living room. If you come into our living room, you can disagree with us, but please be courteous.

Recently Facebook contacted us about a post that used the word "retard." The comments surrounding this word were removed by Facebook. While many don't find this word or the word "mong" offensive, others do. In order to make it a little easier, we're going to publish a list of words that we will remove if we see them (hopefully before the Facebook bot sees them):


Obviously the banned words include any combos, i.e., mother*ucker or a**hole. Words that can also have non-offensive meanings will be looked at individually. In other words, you can say: He rode an ass, she wore a pussy bow, he is a toffee nosed twat, that chemical will retard a fire. 

Thank you for abiding by our rules.

Not long ago there was a heated discussion on Facebook concerning a Muscle Shoals football coach who beat his wife so badly that she required emergency medical treatment. Most of those who defended the man (think about that...they were defending a muscle bound bully who beat his own wife senseless) used words that we had to delete. Some readers defended these comments by saying that's simply how many speak these days.

Those who use such language are not exactly the intelligentsia. When you say these words, you're being crude. When you use these words in a written statement, you're being premeditated in your crude behavior. Do you speak that way on a job interview? 

Sighhhh...considering the recent job interview we saw on national television, perhaps you do. Can't we ALL strive to do better?

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