Thursday, March 15, 2018

Clean Up Muscle Shoals City Schools

Today we're presenting a blog from Judge Starr; we hope to have more from this blogger shortly. While we find the conduct of the Muscle Shoals School Board and related entities to be reprehensible, we do not find that they committed a crime of moral turpitude; however, using former AG Troy King's definition, it's possible.



On Feb. 19th Amanda Hollander approached the Muscle Shoals City Council during the public comments portion of the meeting. She re-visited the statement that was made by the City Council that it would only intervene in the situation involving the questionings of 78 fourth graders and termination of teacher Blake Jarmon if the law had been broken or moral turpitude had occurred.  (Amanda's speech was recorded and posted on #TeamJarom's Facebook page.)

Amanda informed the council that Clayton Wood (Board of Education member) stood before the council and a room full of concerned citizens and broke the open meeting's law on Dec. 18th.  Mr. Wood told the council and the citizens that he had sat down with Celia Rudolph and Brian Lindsey.  He was recorded saying "How many of you have sat down like Celia and I, and gone over these issues in depth with Brian Lindsey, what they are thinking and why they're doing it and the decision making behind it."

Amanda told the city council members that a meeting between Dr. Lindsey, Ms. Rudolph, and Mr. Wood discussing Mr. Jarmon's good name and character and his subsequent termination is a direct violation of the Alabama Open Meetings Act.  
She also explained to them that moral turpitude occurred when Dr. Alan Willingham interrogated multiple children alone about extremely delicate matters, and told the children not to tell anyone.  It also occurred when Dr. Willingham falsified statements and testimonies of multiple children, some of which had school implemented IEP.  Some children have told their parents that only Dr. Willingham was in the room when they were questioned, but Dr. Willingham said those children are lying, he always had the school counselor with him.

Breken Terry from WAAY news recorded her speech and Jonathan Ratliff also spoke that evening. Breken Terry also received a comment from Mayor Bradford that the council was not equipped to handle this situation.  She aired her story on the news that night.  

As for Clayton Wood, his 1st term expires for his Board of Education Appointment this June.  He can re-apply for a second term and I am sure he will likely be chosen again.  The city council will start taking applications now for the interview process coming up in the next few weeks.  

Council member Mike Lockhart has a wife who is a teacher in the school system, he should have to recuse himself when appointing the next board member.
Jamie Stoddard, School Board Member, now coaches the new Muscle Shoals Soccer team.  After the Dec 18th city council meeting Stoddard had a tantrum, in front of several citizens - he was yelling at Chris Hall.  Curious to know how Stoddard and his wife are treating #TeamJarmon parents who have kids on this soccer team.

Chris Hall is still the odd man out, most of the council members avoid him still and don't interact with him.

School Administrators, principals, assistance principals, coaches, and some teachers have already started showing their classy side.  If you're associated with #TeamJarmon or Elect the School Board, then you don't get waves at drop off or pickup anymore, they turn their head and walk the other way if you are approaching, and just a few weeks ago an outside source that did some work for McBride and the Middle School was asked not to come back.  It will only get worse, but so many of the citizens who don't work for the school system are fed up but fear retaliation over what could happen with their kids at school.  I hear that daily from many parents!  WE are ready for a change and we are gearing up to start our petition.  We also have some who are planning on running for city council seats come next election.  Muscle Shoals citizens need to make sure they are registered to vote before they can sign the petition.  

On March 6th the child who started all this about Blake Jarmon was placed in IIS for 30 days.  More to come on this...

To see videos, see Facebook page #TeamJarmon
Amanda Hollander, Feb 19th
Laura Hamilton Holland, Dec.18th, in the comments section there is video of Clayton Wood

Until next time,

Judge Starr

1 comment:

  1. "..... like Celia and ME." This is a Board of Education? ?????
