When someone suggested we do a blog on a go-go dancer for our series on Shoals artists, we initially didn't know what to think. Go-go dancers? Isn't that 1960s? Raves? Well, we at least knew what they were. Apparently both are going strong in 2011, and a Shoals resident is at the forefront of the movement.
Pictured above is Tara Molly Tate, a Sheffield native and graduate of Muscle Shoals High School and Northwest Shoals Community College. The daughter of Joni James Madden of Muscle Shoals, the 21 year-old Molly was raised by her grandparents. Her grandfather passed away earlier this year, and Molly is currently the primary caregiver for her grandmother--a great responsibility for one so young. Yet Molly does much more. In her own words:
I'm Tara Molly Tate aka DJ Mollycule. I've been learning to DJ for a little over a year. I have been in love with the scene for years. I live for the music. I'm also a GoGo dancer for Renegade Workshop (the company I work for) which is based out of Huntsville, AL. We are a group of lovers and our love is based on the Electronic Dance Music. I, myself am a promoter. I tell everyone when, and where, and what! I travel all the time, it's hectic sometimes. I'm also a nurse assistant so I'm quite the busy girl. I've met hundreds of amazing people through my psychedelic adventures and my life is so off the chain right now. I've met almost every favorite music producer of mine, which I am proud of. I represent and promote for several crews all over the Southeast and now branching west, and hopefully worldwide. The movement is love.
Molly went on to explain that raves are about Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. There is also a second "R"--Responsibility. Those attending a rave look out for each other, preventing accidents and other untoward events. That being said, raves are strictly adult entertainment. Those who attend must be at least 19, and those who entertain usually wear as little as the law will allow. In other words, raves aren't for everyone.
They are certainly a passion for Mollycule, who along with four other young women make up the Basscadets. Wages are slim to non-existent, but Molly has performed from Florence to Alaska--something not everyone her age can say. Pictured below are two views of Molly in her Mollycule persona.
We wish Molly the best in her quest for peace, love, unity, and respect.