Sunday, April 3, 2011

Reedtown Rapist to Serve Three Years

Mark Anthony Hurley, dubbed by local law enforcement the Reedtown Rapist, will serve at least three years and one day in jail for his latest rape. Franklin County District Attorney Joey Rushing deemed the split sentence the best way to ensure Hurley would do a substantial amount of time in prison and, considering previous jury verdicts, we agree.

After his release from prison, the 34 year-old Hurley will then face five years of probation. Any violation of the terms of his probation will send the Reedtown Rapist to prison to serve the remainder of his twenty year sentence. Mark Anthony Hurley's record goes back at least ten years; besides several rape/assault charges, Hurley has also previously been convicted of second degree escape.

Related posts:

The Reedtown Rapist Is Free Yet Again

Rushing to Judgment


Whippoorwill Hollow Films is seeking actors and writers for a comedy sketch they're filming for YouTube. If you think you have what it takes, contact Steve or Sheri at
