Kudos to the University of North Alabama for offering housing to students displaced by the Tuesday night fire at Ivy Green Apartments. If any readers know of needs for clothing, toiletries, etc., send us the pertinent info and we’ll publicize it.
Similarly, if you know of organizations collecting for those displaced in Gatlinburg and the surrounding areas, let us know. Remember that those displaced include four-legged family members and most of the wildlife in the area. Let us know of charities/organizations helping them as well.
Sirens? We’ve received conflicting reports about sirens in Sheffield, as well as other areas, malfunctioning. We did learn something: The sirens are designed to warn those outdoors and not those indoors who presumably have other warning systems. Several readers have commented that the rains were so strong during part of the storm that even sirens a few blocks away couldn’t be heard.
Now some more props—this time to the City of Florence. The East Tennessee Street beautification project has been complete for a few weeks now, and we encourage any who haven’t yet viewed it to do so.
The best part? We’re now able to remove the hideous Knight-Humphries donut from our list of eyesores. It’s been a while since we’ve updated our list of the worst of the worst offenders in the Shoals/Franklin area; send us your submissions.
Pennies for Polio? Tomorrow we’ll tell you why you should just say no to this national Rotary Club scam that’s already made its way to northwest Alabama.